2. RUN

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Triple Update! Bananas! Figure Skating!



Fortress of Raveria, Carnelia

POV: Leanna

"Are you sure that there are no crocodiles here? Or snakes? Or ghosts? Or..."

Leanna pressed her index finger to his lips and shushed him. "Harry! You have to keep quiet! Remember what I told you!?!"

She should have known better. Harry continued indignantly around her fingers. "But we could get eaten. Or dead. Or..."

Leanna determined that quietening her brother was not the task for just one finger and clasped her entire hand over his mouth. " Yes.. Yes.. I know! So are you telling me you want to go back? Ij little Harold to shcared of the darkness?" She mocked out the last part in a babied voice.

The seven-year-old boy gave her a glare and walked right ahead into the darkness without hesitating. Leanna smirked.

Mission accomplished.

The truth was, Leanna herself was a little scared to go out exploring the secret passages alone and was in dire need of company. And who better to fill that post other than her usual scrape goat? Their parents would kill them if they ever found out that they were both indeed dancing with the crocodiles and the snakes and the.... wait.... Crocodiles?

Leanna shook her head in amusement and followed Harry, their fire torches burning bright in the absolute darkness. During one of their usual nosing around sessions in the library, both of them had come across this very old map of the fortress, with the detail sketches of all the secret passageways, used by kings and queens of old. Leanna had jumped right into it, but soon realized that she needed a partner. Hence Harry.

"I think this way leads up to Mother's and Father's room!" Harry exclaimed loudly. Outside the wall, someone shrieked out 'GHOST!!!' and running footsteps followed. Leanna sighed, so much for being sneaky.

Both of them made their way up the old stone steps. They were worn with age. Soon, it seemed as if they were right next to the royal chambers.

But something was wrong.

Leanna stilled and grabbed Harry's hand. He too had stopped short after hearing the shouts and yells. Their parents were angry.... The real kind of king-queen angry, not the you-didn't-do-your-lessons angry! And there were other voices too! Too much movement.

Leanna nodded towards the wall so that they could hear things out better. But their voices were muffled. Harry also seemed confused and a little bit scared. Leanna realized maybe they shouldn't be here. Especially Harry since he was younger. They were not supposed to be hearing this. And who were their parents angry with at this time of the night?

Then to their horror, they both heard their mother cry out their father's name in fear and agony! Leanna immediately pressed her hands tightly against Harry's ears...But it got worse.

So much worse.

Leanna didn't know how much time had passed. Both she and Harry sat there, frozen. Traumatized from all the shrieks and yells and.....laughs!...Some people had found their parents blood curding cries humorous!? And then there was that silence... the silence was the worse than the shrieks. But Leanna refused to acknowledge that silence.

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