22. HURT

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Royal retreat of Darius, Carnelia

POV: Harry

Harry felt like throwing up. 

He was sick of everything.

With each passing day, his unhappiness only grew as he felt himself wither away. He wanted to be with Leanna. He needed her. Here, he was alone and scared. And the screams...

Oh Gods! The screams.... It rang and rang and rang, non-stop in his ears. Day and night. And each time he heard it, it broke away another little part of him. Harry feared he didn't have much more to give away.

He was just so tired of dealing with it. He wanted to give up. He wanted his mother and father back! Leanna back! But no one was listening to him. Even the Gods had stopped listening to him! 

In a sudden burst of rage, he picked up his pillow and threw it at the door with frustrated cry. Immediately, the reprimanding voices of his tutors entered in his mind. Like vultures they plagued his thoughts. Reminding him of how horrible an omega he was. A bad boy.

Harry was trying so hard. He really was. But somehow, it just wasn't working out. He had told them repeatedly that he was sad. And that he wanted to go home to Leanna. But they just wouldn't listen.

And since no one seemed to listen anymore...Harry simply stopped speaking. 

Even in the last letter he sent to Leanna, there was barely anything written. What was the point? He felt himself wilting away, like the sunflower kept in the corner of the room. The flower was his only companion here.

And Lord Karhine. Harry had known him since as long as he could remember. Father and mother trusted him. Personally speaking, he was too busy annoying Leanna to pay much heed to the adults. But he didn't hate the man. But now... Harry wasn't too sure. Lord Karhine was after all responsible for snatching him away from Leanna in the first place. 

 Uncle Harley was a much better lord in his opinion. He knew all sorts of tricks. And now, He and Leanna were having all the fun without him.

Grief stung his eyes. His life had been perfect. Everything had been perfect. And then in that secret passage.... The tears started rolling again as he controlled his urge to uphurl.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Harry hastily sat up on the bed and wiped away his tears and snot. Princes didn't cry in front of strangers. Princes didn't cry period

The door opened slowly and Molly, his sweet elderly caretaker came in. Her hair was as white as snow! And Harry had often wondered if it was as cold as it too. But he never dared to ask. Earlier, he would have done so with no fear. But now his curiosity had withdrawn deep inside. Like his lonely sunflower.

Molly came in and looked at him with worried eyes. Her voice was gentle, as if she was addressing an injured puppy. "You missed dinner again Harry. There was strawberry ice cream today! You like that, don't you?! I even saved you some, if you would like to have it right now?" She sounded so hopeful in the last part.

Harry looked away. He didn't want to see yet another face disappointed with him. "M'not hungry..." He mumbled out in a small voice.

Molly sighed out sadly. "Love, you haven't eaten anything from morning! You need to eat if you want grow healthy and strong! What will Leanna say when she sees you looking like a scarecrow when she comes here in two weeks? Huh?"

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