River x Bryan (Yandere simulator AU)

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River's POV: 

Honestly, the flames in the furnace can be too bright sometimes, probably Because I use too much oil or something, or maybe because that girl was wearing too much bleach in her hair. Whatever, I could honestly care less at this point. Why should I care about a girl's hair features when I should be getting rid of the camera footage right now?

I went up to the security room and hacked the coding lock, they're trying so hard to let the murderer out of here, but they always get easy locks so why even try? A security guard was there about to call the police, but then I took the telephone wire and put it around his neck quickly and then- 


Ugh, I have blood spilling everywhere now. Just great. It's going to take like a fucking hour to clean this mess up. whatever at least the guards dead. I went on the computer and downloaded all the footage from the cameras into a chip, and took it out. I replaced it with a fake one where it shows nobody at all. I smiled evilly, sometimes you gotta do things to make you innocent. Then I heard yelling, SHIT- that guard must've called backup already. I quickly put on my hood and mask ,then I took out a picture of my senpai. Bryan. I kissed the picture and started to run. Luckily I used a hatch which I found in the school. I went in and waited until the coast was clear to run out.  Finally I ran home. 

Next Day......

No One's POV:  

Two murders was found again in Yandere High. One is missing and the other dead. Local police are saying the girl, Yakima Binmen was possibly burned alive in the school furnace based to previous smoke found in the furnace with traces of blood.  The security guard was found dead with his head cut off before calling backup. Local police could not find any fingerprints or tracks of who this mysterious murderer could be. 

Bryan's POV:

Another murder again?! These murders are getting out of hand! Thank god I decided not to go back to get my project, I would've been done for. I could see some blood in the security office as I passed by. Students are all around it spreading rumors. Some say they only kidnap girls to treat them as slaves until they're worked to death, some say they were experiments that failed. 

I honestly hope none of them are real though...

There used to be more girls than boys here but now boys are getting higher than girls. But why kidnap only girls???  It seems a bit suspicious. Then out of nowhere I bumped into someone.

Before I fell the person grabbed me I did drop my books and bag though. I opened my eyes and....it was River. The kid that was quiet. He blushed madly when he saw me up close. I blushed a little too, he looked a bit cute too. What i heard of him was that he studies 24 hours a day because of his father. I felt bad for him because it seemed like he didn't really have any friends.

River: Oh My God! I'm so sorry Bryan!

He acted all scared like I was gonna yell at him..

Bryan: No no no no no! It's alright! It was me who was distracted and wasn't looking at where I was going!

He let me go and picked up all my books and bag. 

River: H-here!

Bryan: Thank you!

When I gathered them all up, I noticed he was staring at me smiling. I also noticed a little heart in his eyes. I ignored it though, it's not my business to know why his eyes are like that. Then I think that maybe I should make conversation with him, maybe to make him feel good.

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