Brypu (Bullies to Lovers) PART 3

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( Im



sorry guys.)

No One's POV:

The sirens wailed along the entire grounds of the school giving the leaving students a sting of fear that everything was still not okay.

The one who was currently trying not to cry from loss of blood, two punched eyes, a broken nose, a broken arm and leg to keep his honor alive was suffering. He couldn't hold it in though, tears fell down his face like a waterfall, students that were curious to see the damage now never saw Aiden as the tough one anymore. He was ruined.

Meanwhile, Two people were in the ambulance getting treated, one was by his side the entire time, knowing he was going to get arrested some time soon. He wanted to make sure that if his companion was going to not be at school for months and stay at Jail, he might as well stay with him as much as he can.

The one who had fought, Inpu, winced at the burning alcohol that was pressed against his cuts, from Aidens Pocket knife. The nurse who was treating him was looking at him with disgust and disappointment. She treated Aiden before Inpu, making her feel extremely horrible for the boy, so assisting a bully made her rage and annoyed. But she had to do her job unfortunately.

Bryan's POV:

"Are you okay?"

He sighed

"Yes I'm fine. It just burns"

"Well maybe if you haven't decided to start a fight with that poor boy you wouldn't need to feel burned."

The nurse muttered

I glared at her as hard as I could. That little bitch. Who does she think she is? She sees a cut up boy and another bigger than him and immediately thinks he's the victim? She doesn't know shit!

"Shut your trap."

I snapped.

She looked at me with fire blazing in her eyes, but remained working. What people have to do to keep their job.


We both turned around to see Magnus and Solis and Scar running up to us. Magnus pulled their brother into a hug .

"You stupid idiot! What were you thinking?! You've never done this much damage before!"

Inpu chuckled.

"Sorry Magnus, but I had to. It was becuas-"

"That you and Bryan are dating."

Inpu, Magnus, me, and the nurse looked at Solis, who was eating a cafeteria icecream bar.

"Wait hold on, YOU KNEW?"

Bryan exclaimed in shock.

Magnus and Solis nodded awkwardly scratching the back of their necks.

"But how????"

"Well, we may or may not have been with Aiden when he got the picture of you two......"

Solis exclaimed trailing off at the end.

Just then, a medical emergency how-to-do book was thrown at Solis, knocking him to the ground.



Inpu ignored the nurse, and glared at the two, then sighed. He couldnt stay mad at them forever.

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