Ring made from love (Riccaro x Momiji)

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The dawn rose above the sea level, a shine of pink, orange and purple began to aglow above the camp.

Today was a special day, all for the camp. It was a break from all the chaos and enemy making from all the tiring trials. Everyone would be excited.

And in a specific part of the camp, inside the Egyptian pantheon dorms, in his sullen room, Riccaro.

He snoozed happily, until the warmth of the morning sun Rays hit his body. He sat up and yawned while stretching his arms. Then his eyes cracked wide open, with his big cheery smile on his face.

He practically leaped off the bed, and landed on his two feet, already full of excitement and adventure.

He then looked at his calendar to see the date was circled, in big golden letters in the circle was:


Riccarro's smile went even wider than it usually did, then he let out a big-


He jumped up and down for a few seconds and kicked his door down, not knowing he hit someone in the face, who heard his screeching.


He screamed, making the whole Egyptian pantheon, or probably the whole camp (probably Bryan's house too-) hear him.

"Ughhhh! Who in the name of Ra is screaming at 8 AM?! Its too early!"

A strangled annoyed cry emerged. Riccaro turned to see Mikael fuming from his bedroom.

"But today's a beach day!"

Riccaro exclaimed, still waving his arms.

Mikaels hard cold eyes popped up, and looked at the calendar on the side wall.

"Ugh, unfortunately he's right...."

Mikael muttered under his breath when he saw the date.

"Well then, I guess EVERYONE WAKE UP!"

Mikael yelled over his little mic, connected to a speaker( don't ask how he got it)

A few moments later, the Egyptian Pantheons dorm users emerged from their bedrooms groaning and full of annoyance at the interruption of their sleep.

"Mikealbro, why? Just why? I was having a wonderful dream right now!"

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