Another book (Bookpu x ???)

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( Yeah, it's another au, also, CHECK OUT MY VIDEO)

No one's POV: 

In a dark world where nothing was living but the vibe of death, the only sound being a faint whisper of the wind. Nothing was alive. Not humans, animals, plants, especially.....demigods. 

In a white abandoned like mansion, where there was once lively vibes of love and passion now had dark and quiet vibes.  It wasn't a pleasant feeling, for those who would be there. But in the mansion was only one thig that was kept alive, it was lonely and sad for one's love. It walks around Mother Gaea's body in search for at least one little soul to be alive. But none was found, It was a once kind demigod who's life was changing but now that death swooped over, it became something more ....

And that was death's pet.

The Book of life.

Bookpu's POV:

I haven't been here for so long, well technically Inpu hasn't been here for so long. I could remember from Inpu's lost memories of him coming to this place one last time before inpu found me.    I had no care to see this place again, and it was probably a waste of my time too,  But at the same time....

I want to see someone special of my own as well~

Aphrodite's Mansion

I walked through the garden, which was now very dead and shriveled. I could smell of the dying fragrance and corpse combing into each other. It smelled glorious. I smiled slightly seeing all of them so dead. The only flower that was actually alive was The Persefoni. It was a dark magenta and dark purple flower which sprouted wherever death laid it's hands on. After a while now it was wrapping it self all around the camp and here especially. I don't mind the flower, it was known to be the bringer of death which made me like it a bit. 

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