🤲Proving to be together👥

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"Would you two mind?"

The two lovers stopped their lip lock as they stared at the disgruntled camper who was as green as grass, glaring at them.

I mean it was an awkward place in that specific time.

Bryan and Inpu were in one of the outdoor tables along with some other campers who were either deep in conversation or just plain minding their business.

Bryan was currently moving his way to Inpus lap, as the other happily encouraged him to do so, by embracing him and adjusting his position to be more comfortable.

In all the process, the two lovers were in a passionate moment, kissing each other, giggling as they praised one another for themself, desperately wanting more affection.

Till the moment was ruined, which upsetted them slightly in honesty, but they didn't seem to notice how illuminating their love was affecting others.

"Um, what-what do you mean? Mind what exactly?",

Inpu asked looking up and down the camper.

"Um, this??",

The camper exclaimed waving his hand up and down at the couple

"You two slurping each other up is making some people uncomfortable, y'know. You guys should at least get a private space or something..",

There was nothing worse than retrieving the feeling of guilt from making others feel strange amongst your presence

Bryan and Inpu looked at each other, then back to the camper, then sighed.

"Fine, if it makes you that uncomfortable, we'll go.",

They stood up from their table and grabbed their belongings in the process.

As they stood up, Inpu felt multiple eyes staring at them, all aiming at their backs, which felt quite unpleasant. It made them start leaving faster in order to get the unhinged gazes off their shoulders.

As they walked away, hand in hand, Inpu heard a slight whisper from the camper.

"Gods, If only that dog wasn't with the reject, then maybe people would actually see them as a duo that'll break up for power..",

Inpu felt his ears twitch, reject? Power? What the hell?

That's when Inpu realized it, he was preferring to Bryan's last relationship, which in short term, was only formed in order for him to gain more power.

The camper assumed, since Inpu was a son of death, Bryan would aim for him next, to do whatever he was imagining.

Inpu felt his blood boil, so that was why he disliked their presence?

Because they might end up as the last relationship? How idiotic!

Inpu glanced at his angel, noticing a sad expression written across his face, guessing that whisper was meant to be in both earshot.

People here clearly didn't know of the process of changing oneself..

He gripped Bryan's hand and brought it up to where his heart was, in order for him to feel the beating of his heartbeat, and smiled.

"Don't listen, this won't be like last time. You're not who you were last year, you're someone much better, so much better",

Bryan gazed at his boyfriend and smiled sadly, listening to his caring words, but his heart still ached from his constant reminders of his past self.

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