🧜‍♂️Sirens Lament 🔞

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Haha, I had no idea on what I was doing with this.


The following contains:

*sexual activities



*disturbing things regarding sexual abuse (minor though)

You have been warned!


Their song

My persuasion,

They were what had united us together.

Two spirits that possessed the abilities in order to take one's life.

One's desire can be extremely powerful, no matter how deep they dug it deep in their conscience.

All it took was showing what they wanted, to lead the prey into the spider's web.

Under the mask, we wouldn't care, all we wanted was the delicious feasting of their souls. Their tender flesh and firm bones to disintegrate with the acidity of our saliva.

No hesitation.

No feelings for the prey

Just the need to feed.

But then can two such sirens as ourselves, two from different worlds, fall for each other?

In my eyes, If I could have the chance to see them again, at least to hear their angel of a voice, I would scrape my own heart out for the opportunity.

They were such an indescribable creature, they had three forms, the "desired" form, the "preferable" form, and their "true" form.

Each one was unique in its own way, one showed what the prey desired in their own form, one showed what humans would say was a better version of truth, and the other showed what was really under the mask.

Around me, they would use their preferred form, one that was more "pleasing" to the eye.

To me though, they just looked more mesmerizing in their true form, their monstrous figure.

My precious little bird monster.

The first time we met, we sang our songs to each other, we at first didn't know that we both has similar properties, all we saw in that moment was another piece of prey.

We sang our tunes, our melodies, everything until we had met each other's gaze, and felt a desire for one another.

We had fallen under each other's spell.

The forbidden rule of being a siren.

It was the greatest bit of my entire eternal life

We, two sirens, who were of thought to never have any feelings, fell deep in the abyss of desire.

Each day we try to spend some majority of our time together, we would bring a limb from a victim or piece of their soul as a gift.

As the years went by, my habibi had made a special song, just for me, and my ears only. No one, not another siren or victim would hear it from his own lips.

It felt so heartwarming, even when we laid upon the hard seaside rocks getting constantly soaked by the cold ocean waves.

As they would sing, I would gaze at them.

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