🧡👁Setting Dawn🌄💛

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He was the embodiment of beauty and self-care for oneself, with mid-long brown sugar hair, and mysterious eyes covered by a veil no one could move.

With such rare standards born with, he was of great value and immediately rose to high status in little time.

Curious crowds spoke of him, with either disgust from his past mistakes or of his undefined beauty that was covered.

According to a loyal assertive jester, no one of low status or credibility deserved to be in his "king's" presence, not even to be 3 feet of him.

Only the highest of deity power was to be around him, anyone else was a road to be stepped on.

The jester seemed to be the one who would explain such boundaries, but the angel never spoke of such things.

But one was able to get past those invisible golden gates that were spoken of.

A misfit jackal, who's done nothing but resent their father and roamed their realm of sand and dunes.

He was merely a loner along with his sibling.

Any spoken words to any individual would only be of assistance and information regarding unanswered questions they wanted answered.

That same misfit was the one who caught the angel's attention.

That misfit was the one who managed to catch his heart

His personality, his fluffy features, his intellectual state, all of which he fell in love with.

He was the one he would go on his knees for, the one he would worship in his life.

It was so obvious, the two fought in the same trial, the two raced in the same trial, the two even spoke to each other after the trials

And it was that exact moment the angel had invited him to his humble home, wanting more of the jackals' presence.

When the anxious demigod, having no experience of having a 'date', arrived. He was met with two slight presences: the welcoming one and the disgruntled one.

Some who were part of Bryan's "court" seemed to have a confused but strange gaze on the jackal, wondering why such a dirty out-region dog was in the humble abode of a high status deity.

The welcoming presence only came from the king himself who was clearly pleased with his arrival.

Of course, being someone who was highly respected in his own court, no one interfered, since if the king was happy, everyone else was happy.

The angel made sure that his guest felt welcome, enough to not pay attention to the others judging gaze.

He showed him his home, all of his favorite parts of it, including the gazebo, his beautiful garden that was full of flora and fauna.

His library, which was surprisingly not just full of romance novels of the cheesiest degree, but also filled with Greek scrolls and ancient stories secret to the deities.

The jackal was extremely fascinated at this part of the tour, and fell in love with the type of new literature that he was seeing.

This pleased the angel, happy that his guest was enjoying himself, feeling more confident in telling him his feelings towards the man.

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