Long Haul (Brypu crackshot)

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(This is based off a book series called Diary of a Wimpy Kid, idk if any of y'all ever heard of that)

~Greg's(Didn't know who else) POV~

I woke up to the sound of crashing outside of my room which startled me awake. I didn't know what was worse, the fact that there are people who like to make noise while people are SLEEPING, or the fact that the weird smell that I was laying on was getting worse.

I groaned and adjusted my eyes to the dark to find my way to the door, when I opened it I saw an incoming cleaning cart rolling up to the wall.

A girl was pushing it, she had white and light pink hair with a ladybug pin in her hair, and hanging on to both sides of the cart, were two others which I'm guessing was her siblings.

The cart crashed hard on the wall, the impact made the three kids laugh in amusement.

I felt my feeling of annoyance rise and I put my hands on my hips,

"What are you doing?"

The three stopped laughing and looked at me with weird expressions on their faces,

"People are sleeping right now!"

The girl looked at me up and down and smirked,

"Why aren't you wearing any pants?"

I suddenly felt red in my cheeks and looked down to see me wearing only white underwear and a tank top.

The three started to laugh again, which made my blood boil. Who did they think they were?

"Well you know what? I'm gonna call the manager, to kick out you and your family of..furries!"

The girl put her hands on her hips and snarled, her eyes suddenly eyed the cart and grinned wide.

"Oh yeah?"

Suddenly she pushed the cart aggressively, TOWARDS me, my eyes went wide and I quickly moved out of the way, not noticing another person behind me.

"What is going on out here-? WHOA!"

The cart barely missed the man and hit the purple van hard, making a screech as it left a hard scratch on the side.

Everyone stopped, the three kids suddenly had surprised expressions on their faces by what they've done, and I finally had a good look at the guy I bumped into.

He had black long hair put halfway up in a little ponytail, purple glasses, with a tint of golden highlights, he wore purple boxers and a black sleeveless undershirt and a shocked expression on his face.

"No..no no! MY VAN!"

He cried out reaching his arms to the van. He tugged at his hair with both hands, he was stuttering out for a moment until he turned around, with an immense angry expression on his face.

I could basically see steam coming out of his ears and his face turning into a bright tomato.

I could tell he was mentally demanding an explanation, but before anything else happened, the girl suddenly turned around quickly and pointed her finger at me.

"Why did you do that?!"

She screeched in a shocked tone.

I turned to face her


What was she doing? Was she blaming me?! I wasn't the one that pushed the cart into the man's car.

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