❤Loving scars 🦴

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Ok so just a note!

This is a story based off @Kawaiime4410 please go check them out! They have very lovely stories 

I had nothing else to do, so double update!.


The night was graceful, peace in the midst of the world.

The stars were shining bright, the moon showing it's full appearance, no clouds were in sight.

In a beautiful manor, a graceful figure put his children to bed, he stayed until he could hear the soft snoozes from them, and walked from their glass room.

He walked past the halls, the moon shining his way without using a lantern or candle.

Once he got to a wooden big door, which was filled with carved patterns and designs, he went inside revealing a large closet, consisting of designer clothes and Greek and Arabian clothing

After scouring through the clothes for a couple of minutes, he came out, wrapping himself in a clear white robe,

His chest was revealed, showing his scars from past battles and such, he wore silk pants that kept him cool in the summer and warm in the winter.

Just the fairy tail, Goldilocks,

"Just right"

He walked past 4 pillars until reaching an open bedroom, which had a big bed in the middle wall and other necessities beside both sides.

On the bed was another. His jackal ears were fully up, but his eyes gazed at his book that he was reading.

As the white haired male prepped himself for bed, the jackal watched his husband, for he was only pretending to read, but in reality he was gazing at the beauty of his husband.

His angelic wings fluffed over the floor, his smooth skin shining, his eyes twinkling.

He was truly an angel.

It was so peculiar, a god loving a simple dove, but who would guess? Opposites attract after all.

When the dove crawled into bed, the jackal put down his book on the bedside table and took his love's hand.

He looked into his palm and a sad expression came upon his face.

A small scar laid upon his palm straight across,

It was small, but it still represented a small memory, when he accidentally cut his husband's hand with his sharp nails.

He had experienced changes in his body, and his sharp claws was one of them, but despite his scary appearance, the angel just fell in love more.

The angel, Bryan, let put a small smile to him,

The jackal took his palm to his lips and softly kissed it, then again. And again.

During this, Bryan smiled and brushed his hand against his husband's hair to his tall ears, which he stroked.

His kisses only increased as the jackal began kissing his arm to kissing along his arm.

It went from his arm to his cheek which only made Bryan smile more.

Inpu looked down at Bryan's chest, making his face sadden more.

So many scars, so much pain embedded into the angel.

He then started to kiss all of his scars, but not going any further than his upper chest.

He gazed at one long one that was stroked against his chest, but before he could do anything Bryan put a hand to his lips.

"You shouldn't feel like any of those are your fault."

Inpu looked at his husband,

"I'm sorry, I just feel like..they'll start hurting again if I don't do something about it.,"

Bryan pursed his lips and caressed his cheek.

"None of those are your fault..some of them are mere accidents."

He tried to console him.

"But one of them is!"

Before the jackal could say anything else, he felt a pair of lips smash into his.

He immediately accepted the loving kiss and felt his body float away.

Once they parted, Inpu watched as Bryan placed his hand onto his cheek and smiled at him.

"And I'll keep it forever."

By then Inpu couldn't help himself.

He kissed him again, and laid them on the bed as they engaged in their love.

Inpu then laid his head on Bryan's chest and listened to his heartbeat.

It felt normal as anyone else's.

But his was different.

He looked up at his husband and smiled. He close his eyes, knowing that he once broke a promise to protect him from harm....

...but now promised only to keep him from Death instead.

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