🔥The Husbands Model🎨

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HC: Inpu has art as a hobby and has various drawings and paintings of Bryan in 🌟interesting poses🌟

(He's obsessed with his male wife)


*Minor nude mentions/


(you've been warned)

Spring cleaning was definitely not Inpu's thing.

Moving boxes, having to deal with constant sneezing from the dusty pillars and walls (being a jackal making it worse)

But if his kids and husband could do it, then so could he!

He grunted as he moved some boxes from the bedroom to the office, his robe was scattered elsewhere so he was only wearing his sleeveless shirt, along with his pants

Once he removed the last box, Inpu sat on the edge of the bed exhausted.

He took a rag and wetted it with cold water from the bathroom, placing it on his forehead as he relaxed.

"Jeez, how does Bryan do this? It's literally draining my soul out, ugh"

He grunted, as he closed his eyes.

"Well, this is for the best, bet you the kids are already done, and I'm not even halfway through.."

He whined, opening his eyes which faced the ceiling.

He groaned knowing he'd have to go back in a couple minutes, knowing he didn't want to take too long of a break and just get it over with.

He stood up and grabbed the broom and began sweeping the floor, collecting dust from the many corners (to Inpus dismay)

As he swept his mind was occupied with various thoughts such as plans for dinner tonight, camp things to take care of, research and whatnot.

Suddenly, he felt a thunk from the broom, snapping him out of mindspace.

When he looked down, he saw a crimson and black box poking from under the bed.

Inpus ears perked in curiosity and picked it up and examined it, it looked familiar for some reason..

He opened it and looked inside, and began coughing hysterically.

Whatever was in here was here for a couple years or decades because it was home to a whole damn dust utopia.

Once Inpu had his normal breath back he looked back in again and gasped.

In there were some of his old books, and when I mean old I mean "before Inpu ever even got dragged to camp" old.

He stared for a moment, taking a moment remembering himself as he held those books when he was younger. No matter where he went he'd had them on hand.

He smiled then chuckled, sitting back down as he placed the box on top of the bed, placing the book and messily placed papers on his lap.

The book had a similar crimson red color to the box, with a golden lining

Inpu carefully unlocked it with his magic, not trusting a key to do its job, and opened it, with a flood of memories devouring his mind.

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