☻Freakshow👁 (pt 1)

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The stars were gone, no fresh smells arose, an unlived silence only present. It felt as if the bowels of torment and trepidation had overcome the so-called "safety" of the pitiful camp.

Suddenly the silence was broken as a dark shadowy flash ran through the camp, it was a blur to see

The shadow kept running as fast as it could until it slowed down to a stop at an abandoned home.

Aphrodites mansion.

It used to be beautiful, also known to be one of the goddess's summer homes that wasn't used frequently. It was also home to once a beautiful angel inherited by the goddess.

The son of Aphrodite.

Zeus's clouds of thunder came upon the mansion, showing his unhappiness for the visitor. The shadow didn't notice though, they then began to walk towards the mansion.

It was only then, that the figure was revealed,

With its form being the most horrifying thing a human could see.

Dark charcoal eyes the shade of Nyx's cloak, along with a pair of alive and well jackal heads on each side of his face, one lapping slightly and the other with its snout in the air sniffing in case for any intruders. 3 pairs of ears stood on top of his head all up and hearing, but there wasn't a sound other than the winds and the steps of his walking.

As he entered the mansion, slight creaking of old chandeliers rang slightly throughout the mansion.

He approached the throne and stopped midway, his right jackal head looked to his right then sniffed. After a minute he started to growl a but, turning the body around to that direction and walking down the hall.

Cobwebs were everywhere, but no spiders were present.

He reached a tall bedroom, which was littered with all different kinds of red silks and fabrics, almost like spider silk, a tangled mess of a maze. You couldn't even see the bed itself.

The jackal walked in slowly, to not cause any disturbance to anything that might have been waiting..

..any uninvited guests..

When he finally navigated himself to the bed, he sat on the edge of it and waited.

Why was he waiting exactly?

Well, he wasn't sure if the host was here or not, so the only polite thing to do was wait patiently.

Ofcourse, waiting for more than one meal could be annoying, but for this specific host it was special..

Let's just say he would wait years for them to come.

Soon, night fell, along with thundering clouds embracing the sky. Rain started to wet the mansion.

Soon, after staying still for who knows how long. A jackal ear twitched from hearing a quiet but louder noise apart from the rain.

He stood up in a quick manner and exited the bedroom out onto the hallways. He walked quickly then slowly then quickly again

Finally he stopped, he ended up in the office, which was half empty, and dust coating the atmosphere.

The three heads sniffed around. Until they froze.

They looked up slowly to see a figure up to the ceiling. They were a dark bundle of feathers and looked like a clumped up ball.

The jackal softened and then made a loud enough whine to call out to the ball.

The ball flinched and cooed like a dove in response.

Then the ball lowered its top half down carefully, but keeping its lower half to the ceiling so as to not touch the floor.

The son of Aphrodite.

His body was littered with scars and stitched, head to toe. Different assortments of wings were attached to him everywhere. Legs, face, arms, torso, everywhere.

Two small wings covered his mouth and left eye, only revealing his right eye, which was bruised and red.

His three giant pairs of wings were broken and dislocated, and using the advantage by clinging on to the ceiling appeared more terrifying.

The 'angel' faced the jackal upside down , meeting his gaze.

The jackal caressed what skin wasn't covered on his face softly, as the angel took both sides of the two jackals on his head.

The two jackals smiled as their ears were scratched and were given attention to, whilst the middle purred in a happy manner.

Hesitantly, the angel uncovered his mouth, which showed half of his mouth scarred. It looked terrifying, but the jackal played no attention.

A few seconds later, the jackal looked in the angel's eyes for consent, once he did, the two gave each other a sweet kiss.

The jackal tasted the recently drinked blood in the Angel's mouth and lips, which he gladly licked up.

Once they parted, the two nuzzled each other, as the angel placed his hands on his shoulder, and the jackal put his claws on his upper torso.

Monsters were able to love, but what would happen if they were killed?

(Pt 2?)

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