🌹I and B, you and me🥀

711 10 6

(Hi, I made up this au, there's gonna be part 2)

The night was impaled with coworkers from the dark office buildings as curfew started, men and women came out the office, happy for the end of the work day.

A couple of low-backs, who were often slow, were mostly focused on their conversation with each other neither worrying about getting home to relax.

They enjoyed each other's company and daily afternoon talks. But one of them would often be silent most of the time unless engaging in a question or business.

His name was Inpu, a charming fellow and one of the most devoted employees of the company. He was a shy man who didn't have a taste in talking and socializing, but close friends were an exception.

His friends, who he met in the company, Cal,Xylo, Nad, and Momiji, were the ones to take Inpu in in their little group, out of kindness and a bit of guiltiness for his loneliness, but Inpu didn't need to know that part.

His best friend, Xylo, knew the most of all the four, mostly because they met when they were in their last years of middle school and onto High school.

Their fathers had connections so they often see each other outside of school as well.

"So, have any of you guys heard of that new show that's performing tomorrow?"

Cal asked in the giff of their conversation

"Ah, yes I've heard they're very famous for their aerial dancers, they said, and I quote,

"The most graceful dances that are signs from heaven', ", Momiji said making a talking sign with her hand.

The group chuckled,

'But seriously, I think we all should see it before it's tickets sell out.",

Cal assured, suddenly being serious about the idea.

The other three agreed, but Inpu rubbed his arm.

'I don't think i should go, I'm not exactly one for crowds,"

He said in a nervous tone.

Cal put his hands upon his shoulders,

'Oh come on, Inpu it'll be fun! It should be good for you to get a break for once! Just imagine,

Dazzling lights, amazing performances by talented dancers, a feeling of being entertained by musical and choreographic enrichment!"

Cal exclaimed while playfully twirling around, with his arms out.

The others chuckled at his actions,

"Oh goodness, you haven't even seen the brochure yet and yet you're already dazzled by the sound of it."

Xylo teased,

They all laughed

'Ha! True, but still I have a lot of work to do and I can't bear the thought of leaving a bunch of unfinished work at home."

Inpu said, declaring his conclusion.

He crossed his arms, not wanting to gaze at the puppy eyes that for sure would be his friends last attempt to convince him

The others silently sighed, thinking that they should give up in trying or attempting to make their friend have any actual fun, instead of the mindless work on the desk, with hundreds of coffee cups.

Suddenly Xylo's eyes lit up with a sharp idea, or possibly...a memory?

He gave Inpu a wild smirk, and chuckled as he was still turned away from the group.

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