🔞Suprise me Jackal boy~💕

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(Oneshot trade with @wowowowowoowwoow)

Warning: the following contains,

*graphic sexual detail
*Sexual interactions and intimacy

You've been warned


The scenery of the midst of the Spring season and the upcoming arrival of the summer coming into place gave such a colorful and embroidered view amongst Aphrodites mansion.

A happy day was to commence, the reuniation of a happy couple who yearned for each other for over 5 years until they were given back to each other.

Today was the day they were wed, when they finally had each other, with the rings shining on their fingers proudly, adorned with the most beautiful gems and diamonds.

An anniversary was the perfect day to spend time with your lover.

Inpu woke up in a peaceful manner, feeling fully well rested and motivated, no sense of exhaustion, tiredness or even any means to work was in sight. The first thing he thought about was his heavenly spouse and soulmate, Bryan.

Speaking of the angel, Inpu turned his head to see his beloved still snoozing soundly, despite his usual routine of waking earlier than Inpu to prepare breakfast, and start his daily duties.

The sight of his closed eyes and soft breathing and quiet snores was immensely captivating, as Inpu stared at him with a love filled smile just wanting to watch for a millenial.

Inpu softly brushed his hand across Bryan's cheek, feeling his soft and rose hue skin, to which Bryan flinched and squirmed slightly, feeling Inpus cold hand. Inpu did not wish to wake him up, but to no avail, Bryan's sunset golden eyes slowly opened to see his Pharoah, making him smile.

"Good morning babe.."
Bryan said quietly, wrapping his arms around Inpus upper body.

"Good morning dear.."
Inpu replied, wrapping his own arms around Bryan lovingly, making the two entrapped in a tight love filled embrace,

They kissed each other softly. Inpu loved the taste and feeling of his pink lips on his, it took a while to practice the art of kissing correctly since the first time they kissed was..a bit confusing.

During their first kiss, Inpu didn't know if he was doing it right, only having his lips placed upon Bryan's but were placed a bit higher mostly on the higher bit above his lips.

Bryan giggled during it, while laughing as Inpu stammered and started laughing after apologizing.

Inpu would cherish that moment forever. It was just so cute and wholesome for a first kiss, he'd only wish that he knew how to properly kiss so it wouldn't have been so awkward for them both, despite it being "the cutest kiss he ever had", according to Bryan.

Inpu watched as Bryan sat up directly and stretched his arms out and his back, hearing the faint little pops of bones extracting as he stretched. Inpu sat up next to him and pecked his cheek, making the two giggle.

The two got up with Inpu grabbing his spectacles along with his hair tye placed upon the bedside table, tying his black, red and golden hair into a small ponytail to keep it out of his way.

Since he had such a thick mane, on his hair and tails, he'd often just keep it up, away from his neck to stop it from irritating from the sweat.

While tying his hair, with the hair tie in his closed mouth, Inpu watched his beloved put on his white robe, which wrapped around his curves perfectly, along with grabbing some white socks to put on.

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