🩸~Love could stab death~🖤

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* blood


The rain pattered on the concrete as the figure stared at his work

Crimson liquid spilled down his shirt and his sharp object. His dark eyes, filled with no emotion gazed at the deceased body below him. It was strangled, stabbed and ripped apart, like an underachieving art piece that never worked. And temper won over.

It wasn't much of a hassle, but the target did put up a fight, to the point he had to give it his all, but in the end, he was able to fully eliminate the individual.

It was all coming together. Just like how he wanted it. He could only imagine how the others were doing on their assignment.

Then he heard a sharp static in his ear, to which he immediately grabbed it to stop it from hurting. Then a voice coursed through his head.

"Is it done?",

A eery voice asked in his head. It was scratchy and glitchy, almost like it was communicating through an old radio.

He gulped in a nervous but confident state to keep calm, despite his so-called "master", and what he could do, if order were not....fulfilled.

"Yes, it is done. They're fully eliminated,"

He replied to the voice.

"Perfect..", the scratchy voice said with a pleased tone.

"You know, Inpu, you've been doing a better job, when it comes to quality and...secrecy..it pleases me to see you contributing to your job~..",

It complemented, still satisfied by the job done.

"Thank you...master..",

Inpu said a blank tone, no emotion present, no cheery or excited tone for the comment from his master.

Just an emotionless state, just to get it over with.

Suddenly, a light tap came from behind, Inpu, as quick as a flash, turned with his weapon out, ready to kill.

Suddenly his eyes bulged, to see a familiar face upon his presence.


He was soaked to the skin, despite the dark cloak he was wearing over his basic attire.

Inpu couldn't see his face properly from the shadow. Was he shocked? Scared? Or even angry??? He couldn't tell.


He called in a confused voice.

He didn't reply, he just stood there as Bryan stared at him, bewildered by what he was seeing.

Despite this, he knew what this meant.

He was to be a target anyway.

He was on the list.

No witnesses. No survivors,

Whether they're on the list or not.

Silence passed, until Inpu heard Bryan let out a sigh.

"He was right...I was hoping he wasn't, but he was right..",

He said in a damp tone.

Confusion turned in Inpu's conscience, He?

"I guess you're one of them, then. And I suppose I know what's going to happen, now that I've seen you, and your work..",

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