Santa Baby~🎁 (Mafia Brypu)

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(This was a request, and it contains hints from my Mafia AU)




Snow barely ever hits the deep bowels of Hell, it was just filled with so much fire and other flaming items that any snow that came down would melt to its heart's content.

But strangely enough, it would come on Hell's most hated season of the year to which the holiday they never spoken:


Ofcourse, all inhabitants and princes and high leveled personnel absolutely HATED Christmas. It was a sign of the Lord, and Jesus Christ, which made it worse.

But in the Heavens, the angels would definitely utmost celebrate it, to their full energy and until it was covered in the holy matrimony and spirit.

They made sure to show all their heavenly homes to be decorated and dedicated to the holiday. Food, shrines, presents, family and much more.

So, the Heavens made sure to work hard and mighty for the Christmas Holiday, while Hell did the complete opposite, hating on the holiday to its absolute best.

But meanwhile, in the Anubis Mafia palace, things went a little....haywire

"No, absolutely not."

The soon-to-be-retired leader, Anubis, declared to his son.

His son, Inpu and his sibling, Magnus and his betrothed, Bryan groaned at him, mostly Inpu.

Bryan wrapped his arm around Inpu's to contain any deep shadows that would emerge from Inpus annoyance. Even if they were small little shadows, he wouldn't want any to run around causing chaos.

"Father, listen, as much as I know it would be stupid and possibly traitorous to your Hell colleagues, it would still be polite to try out this, Holiday."

Inpu said, full eye contact with his father.

"Son, even if we would be careful, it would still be, ugh, HOLY. I don't want to do it, "

Anubis said, rolling his cold eyes.

Inpu growled a bit, until he felt his betrothed's arm tighten around his.

"Inpu, it's fine. It's just a dumb holiday."

"No, it's your holiday, do you know how envious I've been seeing that you Angel's celebrate something like that before? It makes me jealous."

Bryan pursed his lips,

"The decision is final, Inpu. I'm sorry."

Anubis finally declared, he turned and walked away leaving the sound of fading footsteps along the corridor.

Inpu growled in annoyance, for this would often occur mostly, especially in his childhood and teenager years.

Even if he wanted a simple book or a playtoy, which he grew out of VERY quickly, his father had a simple reason or lesson on why it would affect in his "future", which made Inpu ask very little of his father growing up,

He only knew to gain his own resources, (even if it meant drawing a little blood once in a while), if he truly wanted it.

The memories clouded his mind, with the hate of his father's mind and attitude rising to the brim.

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