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Jackals need to feed.

They need to devour.

Jackals are known to be very carnivorous, but also being an omnivore in the process, but normal jackals would eat small prey in the human realm.

Jackals didn't need to eat meat all the time, they could even just switch to desert plants and shrubs if they could.

But when being a descendant to a jackal god, it's hard to go past your limit for no blood..

..especially when your husband's a vegetarian.

It felt like it was eating him inside out.

Inpu didn't know why he suddenly started to feel...empty. Not the kind where you feel alone and sad, literally empty.

Hungry was probably the best word he had to describe it, but even if he ate his husband's delicious salad, it wasn't enough.

Crap, sometimes he would even throw it up in the middle of the night!

It made his husband worry, thinking he maybe had the stomach flu or some other illness that made him throw up .

As time went on, Inpu threw up more, causing him to not gain any nutrients and minerals from the food, be was starving and nothing helped.

He went to the infirmary plenty of times, medicine didnt do much, injected food just came out the same way as the other times, and Inpu was getting irritated.

Whenever he did a tiny mistake in something, like using the wrong cleaner for washing the kitchen, he cursed and kicked the cabinets. Ofocurse it wouldn't be in front of the children, but Bryan would have to stop him from destroying the house.

Inpu apologize immensely every time he bursted out, promising to control his hangry mood. Bryan always forgives him, but with a bit of concern.

You see, every day, after Inpu had one of his hangry fits, Bryan noticed something in Inpu's eyes.

Of Course they were beautiful, that's obvious, but something else was there..something new..

..he never saw it before, it was like, something was starting to cover himself, an emotion? A feeling? He couldn't figure it out.

It seemed like his normal eyes color, dark purple-gray, was turning to a scarlet shade. It was deep in opacity and tint

But with each outburst, the color faded more, to the point the purple was going away.

Seeing it made Bryan worry, to the point he decided to send the kids away, just to not have any risks...

..temporary of course.

Of course what the poor angel didn't know was that what he expected, the day he came home from the camp, was something he'll have to face himself.

In his arms were baskets of food for the month, the demigod sighed, only praying to the gods that whatever illness or problem his love was going through would pass, so he could finally eat, or at least digest half of it.

It was getting stormy soon, making the sky get gray clouds, with darker ones coming in.

He walked up the steps before noticing something.

A smell.

A weird smell anyway, it was familiar but at the same time unnoticeable.

It smells...metallic?? It was strange.

He stopped, trying to recognize it, he felt like if he didn't..he would be in trouble

Suddenly his head snapped up.

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