😒You just couldnt hold it in could you?🔥 (last of 2023)

631 5 14

This contains
*sexual mentions


It was a gorgeous day in Camp Oasis, the campers were ecstatic, the head counselors were in a gorgeous mood, and the villains and menaces to the camp were nowhere to be seen which concluded to be a lucky go free day.

It was a good day to do many things. It was a good day to take your girlfriend or boyfriend on a date, it was a good day to train, it was a good day to relax and take a nap, it was a good day to play sports, it was even a good day to study, which two individuals in the camp cafeteria were currently occupying themselves with.

Xylo flipped page after page in 2089 paged book, groaning from the amount he barely even read so far which was a approximate 134 given his exhaustion and lack of reading,

For Inpu however, he was speed. Over the 54 books the two brought together he read literally all of them except for the one Xylo was stuck on. His annoyance only grew as he waited to read it.

"Xylo it's not the end of the world, it's a book,"
Inpu said, resting his elbow on the table holding his head up.

"Inpu, you may have an it in the 300s but I DO NOT READ AS FAST AS YOU, deal with it."
Xylo said with firm annoyance gripping the book in his hands.

Inpu rolled his eyes as his friend struggled and banged his rock hard forehead on the table over and over. He gazed around looking for something to deeply focus on while Xylo read.

He watched campers come and go grabbing food or going into the kitchen, he looked at the architecture of the building and the woodwork of the table and pillars also, and focused on the sound of the crackling fire.

Suddenly Inpu groaned and looked up and glanced at the door and his eyes and ears perked up. Coming in was his beloved, Bryan, who was holding some boxes and seemingly dropping them off. Bryan noticed him and smiled and blew him a kiss not straying away from his task to which Inpu smiled back and began to watch his lover of art,

As Bryan lifted more boxes and took them to certain parts of the room, Inpu watched him in admiration, adoring his graceful movements and physique.

He noticed that Bryan was wearing a bit less layering to his toga than usual, it was more revealing which made sense, given the hot weather, but small beads of sweat glistened on Bryan's skin.

Inpu felt his heart beat faster and his tail wagging slightly more intensely as Bryan bent over each time for a box, especially when he struggled a bit to lift it but managed to get it off the ground. Inpu stared at his curves and his lower body, he even licked his lips a bit,

He shook his head to be rid of the nasty thoughts, he couldn't interrupt their task nor his studying session, even if Xylo was taking a millennia.

But even if he managed to gain control of himself for a second, he kept watching Bryan, feeling his arousal state emerging.

Xylo paused his reading when hearing Inpus slight growls in his voice, and looked over to see a lovesick Inpu looking at his angel clearly wanting to do something, Inpu looked over his shoulder for a moment and gulped seeing Xylo annoyed expression.

It was an awkward moment for a second before Xylo groaned and waved him off, "Go I guess."

The moment Xylo finished his sentence, Inpu grinned and rose up from his seat and Xylo looked towards the opposite way not wanting to see the events unfold.

He heard Inpu walking over to Bryan hurriedly and heard as Bryan gasped, "Inpu? What are you-", suddenly the sound of a kiss emerged suddenly and the muffled struggling groans grew softer as the soft plumps of lips separated and connected again.

Xylo heard their hands and body closing in together roughly, until he heard the both of them gasp before he heard Inpu guiding Bryan quickly into the door behind Xylo to the right.

"Inpu, wait I-",Bryan tried to say but gasped slightly as he was taken into the room and the door slammed shut taking that Inpu and Bryan were in the room now.

Xylo groaned and palmed his face as he heard Bryan and Inpu grunt and groan along with the thumping of whatever objects in the room being dropped or fell onto the floor.

"Oh Inpu~ OH! Gods yes!~"Bryan moaned as Xylo began to hear their voices get louder along with the fast thumping of the wall and door emerging each time.

"Ohh~ Oh my-AH-gods!"
"Bry-Bryan, oh fuck~ yes"
"AH!- I-Inpu! Ugh~"

Xylo pressed the head of the book to his forehead seemingly hating every moment of his life. But why didn't he leave? Well, currently Inpu had something of his on him and that item was currently in the room where it was deemed obvious that Inpu and Bryan were swimming in their love like maniacs.

He could only wait until Inpu decided to paint him white and exit the cafeteria and give Xylo his item and Zeus forbid, he takes Bryan back to his dorm and traumatize the Egyptian campers with Inpus sexual urges.

(Last oneshot of 2023, happy new years! ^^)

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