Xylo x Cal ( A harmed warrior)

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(Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum im sorry?)

Xylo's POV: 

My legs felt like they were about to fail me, my heart was pacing at an increasing rate. My breaths felt cold whenever I breathed in. My head was spilling blood in the back of my head. I limped as quickly as I can, that battle with corrupted Mitch was brutal. I almost would've died if Cal haven't gave me that portal user. The sad part was that I could only use it once when I really needed  it.

Luckily, the portal user teleported me almost to Cal's place, so hopefully he'll give me something that will heal me.But before I could knock on his door I fainted and fell on the doorstep.

Cal's POV:

I'm not really good with different realities than I am with time. I was trying to view what  happened to The Book of the Dead, corrupted Mitch, Crazy Nad and Blood Moon's timelines but so far I've gotten nothing. It seemed that Blood Moon is trying REALLY hard not to let anyone find out about this, but he's gonna get exposed one way or another. 

I decided to take a break and I walked to my kitchen and make some coffee, then I heard a *THUD* I put down my mug and took out a blue light sword with a carving of a clock on the handle. I opened my door slowly, then-

Cal: XYLO?!

Xylo was laying on my doorstep unconscious, he was bruised and there was some bite marks on him that were spilling blood. Mitch. I quickly put away the sword, and grabbed Xylo from his chest and started to drag him to the couch. Then I started to take off his armor, when his buff chest was revealed I blushed a little, I didn't know he was so ripped. I quickly snapped out of it and started to heal his wounds. I dabbed a washcloth with alcohol and dab it on the bloody parts. He flinched a little, I also put some Nezundo (a Egyptian medicine that closes the wound fast. I made it up) On the bloody wounds too. 

When one drop hit his skin Xylo sat up straight.


I quickly put him back down.

Cal: XYLO! It's me Cal! Calm down I'm healing your wounds. Stay still.

Then I finally put the medicine on him.

Xylo's POV: 

It felt like my skin and blood was drying up! It felt so hot and sizzling, i tried my hard not to scream. Then I took one little peek at it, the wounds was closing up and the blood outside my skin WAS drying up. Finally after 5 minutes it was done. 

Xylo: What the hell was that??

Cal: Nezundo. It's an Egyptian alcohol that stops the wound from getting affected or spill more blood.

Xylo: I didn't know Egyptian medication was more painful than normal medicine

Cal: Hey, us Egyptians do more torturing than Greek, ok?

i chuckled, suddenly I realized my chest plate was gone. I blushed madly, so did Cal. 

Xylo: um- did you-?

Cal: um yeah sorry, I needed to- you know.

Xylo: oh, heh heh, right.

We both stayed silent for a bit. 

Cal: so what happened?

Xylo: Cannibal Mitch. He attacked me while I was walking to Riccaro's house. Apparently He tried to eat me alive, but before he killed me I used your portal user.

Cal: Oh! You used it?

Xylo: yeah I did your not mad are you?

Cal: Oh no I just didn't think you would remember you had it still

Xylo: of course I would remember, why would you think that?

Cal: Well, i thought maybe you would think- I don't know that what I give you is useless to you?

I stared at Cal for a long time. I felt myself twitching a little

Cal's POV: 

I felt embarrassed telling him stuff like that. I realized that i needed to finish my work so I got up. But before I could take  one single step, I felt Xylo grabbing my arm. 

Cal: huh? Xylo what are you-

Before I could speak, he smashed his lips into mine. I stood there with wide eyes and blushing madly. 

He grabbed me and put me on his lap, he was sitting up putting his hands on my waist area. I felt like I needed to breath, but Xylo didn't let me until he needed some too. He then started to move, then he moved me to lay on the couch and him laying on me.

Cal: X-X-Xylo, why did you-?

Xylo: I love you Cal, Always has.

I stared at him in shock.

Cal: S-Since when?

Xylo: Ever since the Egyptian ball from 5 years ago. I felt some small feelings for you before that, but when you came there with that outfit I realized I had fallen in love with you.

I blushed madly, he loved me? Then I felt my heart starting to thump loudly. Was this..love? I never thought I had feelings for Xylo, but that must've been why sometimes I felt different whenever I was near him.

Cal: Xylo...I feel the same way.

He gave a big smile and kissed me again. I kissed back with no hesitate. My heart thumped more faster when our tongues met. I never felt this way before....

????: heh heh heh, now that you have someone special in your life Cal, you should watch your back more now.....

(angst bois)

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