A bully or lover? (Brypu) High School AU

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( I've been fucking awake for 24 HOURS STRAIGHT! LET"S FUCKING DO THIS! This is another Au because I don't know what else to put.)

No One's POV: 

In the school of Oasis High, there's always a bully in every school. And someone to mess with every time. Everywhere there's labels. Labels,Labels,Labels. There's the cheerleaders, the nerds, the jocks, the cool kids, and...the bullies. The students never mess with the most powerful person in the school: Inpu, the son of the Anubis Enterprises CEO. He's known for being the most aggressive there when it comes to fighting, cheating and more. He's a bully alright, with some of his colleagues too, his sibling Magnus who could stab anyone in a second, Solis who could make his giant pet bug Scar attack anyone. And Inpu's best friend: Aiden. He could easily make anyone do anything for Inpu. So he's basically his second in command.

No One ever tried to stand up to Inpu before, because the last person who tried was in the hospital for 5 weeks. But the thing that makes everyone relieve is that the person Inpu picks on the most is Bryan Mendivil. No one knows why Inpu picks on him the most, but no one dares to ask. Not even Aiden who shudders every time he sees Inpu doing something aggressive to someone. 

But what if the reason why, was because Inpu had no choice?? How does he REALLY think of Bryan?

Inpu's POV:

Ugh I hate rainy days. They're always so foggy after and I can't find my bus after school ends. I walked down the hall with my usual posse. Magnus, Solis, Aiden, and a bunch of other guys from wrestling practice. A lot of kids moved out of my way when they saw me coming. Good for them. Maybe I wont have to kill anyone today. I'm already tired from studying for that stupid health test last night. I wish I could beat up the teachers.

As we walked down, Aiden was telling all these stupid stories to keep us entertained. Some of them laughed at them. I didn't care, Magnus didn't laugh either nor Solis. I didn't know what was the point of telling these stupid stories, if they didn't even make sense. Then I spotted him.

Bryan Mendivil. What a nerd, he never speaks, he's basically a teachers pet, and he has no sense of humor! Plus, wearing expensive clothes does NOT make you look popular. 

Aiden: Hey look it's the Angel freak!

Bryan turned around and saw us. He then dropped his water bottle all over himself AND on his project! He grumbled and glared at me and stormed away. The rest of the gang just laughed. But I wasn't gonna let him get off easily. I started to walk angry towards him. NO ONE. Gives me a look like that. Everyone else must've saw me angry because they moved out of way instantly. Finally when I caught up to Bryan, I grabbed his arm.

Bryan's POV: 

Inpu and his band of A-holes are literally the worst students to attend here at Oasis High! After all the damage they've done to students and yet the stupid principal wouldn't do ANYTHING. I clutched onto my science book while clamping my shoes across the hall. Thoughts swirled around my head like an tornado, my blood boiling at an increasing temperature. 

Honestly! My day already had a bad start from the beginning! First, gum got into my hair form overnight! Second, I had to finish an essay for history! Third: I fall down the stairs WITH my project, and finally: Aiden distracted me and made me spill water on my project! I couldn't have been more pissed off in my LIFE. Could anything make my day worse?!

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