No evidence (Brypu highschool Au) pt 2

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No-one's POV

Aiden Mackerel was shocked and speechless. After seeing his best friend, who was the most powerful student in Oasis Highschool, was in a secret relationship with the person whom he treats like a stupid and disgusting nerd. 

He laid on his bed still staring at the photo of Bryan and Inpu kissing one another. The more he stared, the more questions that swarmed around his head. Why did Inpu do this? Did anyone else knew about them? Did Inpu find out that someone was with them?

That's when he stood up. he forgotten that Inpu might've possibly saw him. or realized someone was watching them. Would Inpu figure out it was him. Sweat dripped down his neck. But then he realized something. If Aiden had something to threaten Inpu with then Inpu wouldn't be able to do anything to him. It was like keeping a dog on a tight leash. Now INPU was on thin ice, not Aiden. He could easily now become the most toughest kid in school, now and Inpu would be his pet. As for Bryan, Aiden had so many horrible ideas on what to do with him. Maybe do his homework and projects for him, make him get money and test cheats for him,  and he already knew what he would do if Bryan didn't do what he ordered...He would show and post to the entire school internet of what how much of a s* he was. 

???'s POV:

I know Aiden knows Bryan's secret. It disgusted me to see him smirking thinking he had power now. But he doesn't there's always gonna be someone who can be able to take it away. 

Next day....

No one's POV:

The next day was like any other day, the students moved out of Inpu's way, everyone was getting ready for any tests or exams since it was almost the end of the school year, and Inpu was still the king of Oasis High....

For now..

Inpu's POV:

Aiden's acting weird. He keeps giving me a smirk every time I glance at him. Even if i give him a "I -will-rip-your-face-off" look, he stills does it. It's like he thinks he has power over me, but why?

The only thing he could do to threaten me is....

Oh no...

Aiden's POV:

I could see in Inpu's face that he figured it out. He stood down, in his face he lost all of his power that he once wield, it was gone. I figured out that he was a plain softie, not some tough man whos he son of a empire. He was really a loser softie on the inside. What a dope! Now I was king, not him. I get to show this high school that no one will mess Adien. He could figure your stuff out. In. an. Instant! 

The bell rung for lunch, I happily got out of my chair and stretched my back out. i knew what i was gonna do first, Before Inpu left the classroom, I dumped my bag on his lap.

Inpu: Dude wtf.

Aiden: Are you coming, pup?

He gave me the meanest look from calling him, Pup. He was my pet now. I get to do whatever I pleased now...

No One's POV:

Things were different. Aiden became the new god of the school, by Inpu by his side, no one knew how it happened.  How did Aiden get power??? No one knew.

except one. 

Aiden's POV: 

Woo! Today was a long day! i felt tired and sleepy from doing wrestling practice today. I thought to take a peaceful nap now! Get energy for tomorrow to destroy Inpu's power once again. Ha! I honestly loved how these past days has been. But now it's time for a recharge to make little Inpu and Bryan's days worse. Once my head hit the pillow, I fell dead asleep.

A few hours away..

No one's POV: 

A few hours into the light brunette's nap, a soft wind flowed through the crack of his window. Then a dark hand slid its fingers onto the bottom of he window and slid it up carefully open. They crawled into the room silently and took Aiden's phone and went to his galley.

he slid through photo's of parties and family until he got one specific photo. He deleted it.

Aiden woke up, no one was in his room

He feel back asleep not knowing that his one threat was permanently deleted forever. 

Xylo: You'll thank me later Bryan..

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