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Mini plot: Inpu gets visited by Bookpu, who warns of Inpu's destiny and lament, especially mentioning Bryan, making Inpu panic and demanding of his whereabouts. 


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*mentions of nudity

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It was a quiet evening, Inpu, the son of Anubis feels tense since for the past few weeks his relationship with Bryan was tense and strained, making the two seemingly not talk to each other. But after seeing Bryan's weakened state from a previous attack, Inpu wanted to find him and reconcile.

Inpu searches for Bryan in his manor, the atmosphere is tense, the weight of their strained relationship heavy on his shoulders. Turning a corner, he is startled to see Bookpu, the ancient entity, who perpetually bears Inpu's visage.

Inpu freezes, watching in horror as Bookpu, wearing his appearance, moves gracefully through the room. The uncanny resemblance and the echoes of their recent conversation with Xylo intensify the unease within Inpu. He hesitates, unsure of how to approach this unexpected encounter.

Inpu: What... what's happening?

He says to himself, 

Bookpu, in Inpu's form, turns towards him, the expression on its face a strange mixture of familiarity and otherworldliness. Inpu can't help but feel a shiver run down his spine as he awaits an explanation for this surreal twist in the unfolding night.

Inpu: What do you want from me? Why are you showing up now?

He demanded,

Bookpu: I am here as a guide through the labyrinth of possibilities, a witness to the choices made and the threads left hanging. The currents of fate run deep, Inpu.

Inpu, feeling a mixture of frustration and curiosity, takes a step closer to Bookpu.

Inpu: Guide? Witness? What does that even mean?

Bookpu: Your choices reverberate across timelines. The tapestry of destinies is intricate, and I am here to remind you that even the slightest deviation can lead to vastly different outcomes.

As Bookpu speaks, Inpu senses a weightiness in the air, as if the very fabric of reality is responding to the ancient entity's words.

Inpu: So, what do I need to understand?

Bookpu: Choices carry consequences, Inpu. The path you walk now may shape the destinies of those around you. Be mindful of the echoes you leave in the tapestry of time.

As Inpu absorbs the cryptic advice, he can't shake the feeling that his encounter with Bookpu is a pivotal moment, a crossroads where the threads of his fate converge with the ancient forces that guide the destinies of demigods. The night unfolds with more questions than answers, leaving Inpu to navigate the intricate dance of choices that lie ahead.

Suddenly, Inpu remembers of Bryan's presence and looks at Bookpu with a strangled gaze of worry and anger, thinking Bookpu had done something.

Inpu: Enough with the riddles. Where is Bryan, and is he okay?

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