Evil Bryan x Evil Inou pt 3 (finale?)

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E.Inpu's POV:

I stood there staring at Bryan. Was he joking with me? Is he messing with me or something???

E.Inpu: wait what??

E.Bryan: yes, I'm pregnant with your child. I found out this morning because I threw up last night remember?

I realized that he DID throw up last night but I though that was because he was like sick or something....

Shouldn't have killed the chef then...

Then Bryan started to form tears in his eyes. He must've thought I was angry. I walked up to him and wiped his tears with my thumb.

E.Inpu; does this mean I'm going to be a father then?!

E.Bryan: Yes!

With tears of my own forming in my eyes I picked him up carefully to not hamr the baby, and spun him around happily.

He laughed and so did I. I set him down and kissed him, he kissed back. My own child. I was so happy! I was finally starting a family of my own!

E.Bryan: this is so exciting! I can't wait to be a mom/dad.

I smiled gratefully, we had to start getting ready for this babie's arrival

6 months later....


???: Congratulations you two, it's a girl.

E.Inpu's POV:

I starred gracefully at my new daughter. She was so beautiful. She had little tuffs of black and pinkish-whitish hair on her head.

She was wrapped in a light pink blanket. Bryan held her carefully in his arms. He looked so tired, he was awake for 24 hours straight though. I went next to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulder and my other on my new child.

E.Bryan: I'm a father.

E.Inpu: Yes you are dear, a beautiful father. Look at her she looks so peaceful.

E.Bryan: What should we name her?

I started thinking. We planned so much for the arrival but we forgot the name. The most important thing!

E.Bryan: What about Moon?

I looked at Bryan. Then I looked up at the window. There was a full moon tonight it was very colorful and pretty tonight. It was as beautiful as Her.

E.Inpu: Moon's a perfect name dear.

He smiled at me and kissed me, I kissed back. Suddenly Moon started to cry. Je chuckled.

E. Bryan and Inpu: awwww you get kisses too.

We both started to kiss Moon while we did, she giggled. I smiled. I was so happy to have an offspring. I will always take care of my child.

and no one will hurt her.....

(Hope you enjoyed this! This was requested by coupke people)

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