⏱My friend to the end..💔)

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(Gotta write other things than ships lol)

HC is from the lovely KC, props to her for the idea!

I can imagine Bryan and Cal having a better bond then that was shown in the series so sorry that this is short!


As A human, Cal knew the highest level of beauty he saw in his hometown, vacation area or even the internet, when googling up the prettiest person in the world (which turned out to be the person reading this ;) )

But after seeing one of the most gracious and beautiful demigods known to man, he was questioning his very existence.

The first time he saw the beauty demigod with their crystal wings and big white feather tail, he felt his knees wobble, to the point he had to lean on Davis for a few seconds to regain balance.

Whenever he saw the lovely son of Aphrodite, for a while he struggled to say anything causing him to not be able to have one conversation with him, until later.

Their first interaction was not exactly what you expected

The first thing Cal saw was the soft chest of Bryan Aphrodite.

(Note, Bryan is a tad bit taller then Cal, but he wears golden heels making him have a higher height.)

Immediately Cal apologized repeatedly, bowing his head slightly while the angel tried to show that it was alright

It wasn't until he placed his hand under Cal's chin to look up at him for Cal to shut up.

"It's alright, it's nothing to be so frantic about.",

He said with a soothing voice and warm smile.

Cal fainted right there and there, with the now panicked son of Aphrodite trying to make sure he was still breathing or calling for help.

After that little incident, they saw each other at a few other events, making small talks and whatnot, especially at the Trial of Ares, where Bryan was offering his healing services to anyone who still had any bruises or painful scratches (which poor Cal had a lot of)

While he healed the wounds, they made small talk, and the gods seemed to be in Cal's favor, since he was able to actually talk to Bryan about things in the human world, such as music, modern technology, idols and such.

The two grew a great bond after that, along with Cal now fully being able to cope with the fact that a literal embodiment of beauty as his friend.

Soon, even if no one could tell, the two became a support system for each other, even having each others numbers on their phones.

They kept each other updated on their lives, when coming to social, love, personal and whatnot.

The two would vent to each other, gave each emotional support, and even done small fun things together such as cooking snacks, training, educating each other on their different pantheons, gossip, sightseeing, or even cute things like making flower crowns

When Bryan and Inpu got together, Cal was the one to take the pictures for Bryan's photo album, Bryan was the one to send Cal some medicines, antibiotics, and even approved medications to help with Cal's mental health. It was Cal who helped figure out an outfit for the wedding and find specific fireworks. It was also Bryan who gave Cal an all exclusive vacation to be away from the stress and problems in the end.

When Cal saw Bryan's grave after being trapped in the corridor of time for 5 years, he didn't give a full reaction when trying to take all of the things in.

But when he finally settled and realized, he cried.

He cried privately, for a long time. Mourning his best friend. 

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