👁Freakshow pt 2. 💀

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Disturbing scenes

Blood mentions

In the thundering sound of Zeus's power, a distorted wail cried throughout the abandoned ruins of a demigod sanctuary, once filled with multiple legacies of the Greek, Egyptian, Asian and other pantheons.

You could also hear the slight clicking of an unknown forgotten deity that was once a simple power of a sword, now being its own vessel, of its own name..

The soft running of feet could be hurt, along with a mild splash with each step, from the now wet floor.

The jackal ran as fast as he could, with both jackal heads on either side of his face panting from tiredness, but he didn't stop. The adrenaline pumped in his blood to the point he could hear his own heartbeat.

The smell of metallic blood and ichor became stronger as he got closer.

He screeched to a stop, ending up in the border of the camp, where the waves splashed on top of the sand, and where the horrid palace of the rose floated above.

Upon the sand a few meters away was a broken bundle of feathers and blood, life barely holding on.

After a moment of shock, the jackal ran towards the feathered bundle faster than he ever ran before, all six ears going flat down in panic.

He skidded to a stop, landing on his knees as he stared down in disbelief, shaking.

His angel...

His beautiful angel..

Several wings were ripped from his skin, fresh new wounds were littered everywhere on his body, such a horrid scene.

The jackal quickly took the now fragile angel in his arms as he felt tears well up in all three pairs of his eyes. Feeling useless on what to do.

The other two heads whined and cried as they looked down at the angel,

Suddenly, a cooed noise slightly came from the angel, sounding weak and hurt from its state. It began shaking as it started to finally feel all the pain from the wounds and scars, to the jackals dismay.

The jackal quickly began nuzzling them as means of comfort, as the angel gripped the jackal's robes, his nails scratched his skin, making some blood fall down his arms, but the jackal didn't care nor minded.

The jackal stared deep in the angel's eye as tears welled down his face, then after a moment of hesitation, the angel parted his two wings that covered his face, to the jackal's surprise.

His heart only cracked more as he saw his angel's full face, so many scars..so many in the wrong places..

The angel's left eye was gone, only leaving a dark brown and black mark on top of it with a large scab around it, the same being for half of his mouth, he had no lips so his teeth and cheek were fully revealed.

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