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Meng who didn't expect xiao zhan who stole his boyfriend away to talk to him like that, he just didn't expect that whore to talk back at him so arrogantly without being scared, it's just so unacceptable. Returning back to Wang yibos room where Wang yibo was having a shower, meng bursted into tears, making Wang yibo to come out of the showeroom immediately.

"What happened babe? Why are you crying?" Yibo asked his boyfriend while hugging him, meng who was angry and just hated xiao zhan so much for talking to him so arrogantly and using his boyfriend to get back at xiao zhan who seems to have a very sharp tongue is what he is going to do.

"I told you that i was going to the kitchen to get a glass of milk right?" Meng who was hiccuping said.

"Yeah you did, and then what happened?" Yibo who got anxious asked his boyfriend, meng was hesitant, he lowered his head and bit his lower lip while playing with fingers clearly showing that he is not willing to say what has happened.

"Just tell me what happened, you don't have to keep quite." Yibo added, meng looked at his boyfriend with teary eyes and took a deep breath.

"Promise me you will not do anything rashly, i don't want to be misunderstood or be blames of something i haven't done." Meng said gently, his tone made Wang yibo heart to soften even more, his boyfriend is an angel, always taking the blame and keeping everything to himself, he is really a perfect gem that is rare to be found.

"Just tell me, i know my boyfriend better." Yibo answered and kissed meng forehead, meng remained quite for a while before he finally started talking.

"Well. ..i. ...i found your wife in the kitchen eating. ..and. .he. ...he." Meng who started talking stuttered and his eyes were covered in tears and wasn't able to speak again, Wang yibo frowned, wife? Which wife? The only person he will regard as a life partner in this world is his boyfriend meng and no one else, that good for nothing they call xiao zhan is nothing to him.

"He is not my wife to me, he has nothing to do with me, i don't love him, and the only thing i feel towards him is hate, just tell me what he did to you and I'm going to make him regret." Yibo said and wiped his boyfriends tears away, meng celebrated inwardly, just acting weak and vulnerable in front of his boyfriend will make his boyfriend do what he wants.

"Please don't hurt him, in a way he is right, this is not my house and nothing here belongs to me, it belongs to you and him, i don't have any right to touch anything, because I'm just a shameless whore who is after a married man." Meng said sadly, his voice sounding very sad and hurt, Wang yibo gritted his teeth in anger and left the room, meng pretended to call Wang yibo like he wants to stop him, but in reality he was just celebrating imagining how that bitch gonna get what he deserves, trying to talk to him so arrogantly, meng smirked and laughed sarcastically, he just excited to hear the commotion downstairs.

"You want to fight me, you really got the wrong person, I'm not someone who could be walked over so easily, you just don't know how much i did to get here and you can't expect me to easily just give it up, this is just the beginning." Meng sneered and layed down on Wang yibos bed, the minute ago sad and crying person is now very different, he is not the same person but a very different person.

Xiao zhan finished eating the food he ordered and drinking water when he was suddenly spinned around making the half glass of water to slip from his hand and shatter into pieces, zhan managed to pry out of Wang yibos grasp and he moved back but shouted in pain when he stepped on a piece of broken glass, zhan wasn't wearing any shoes at that time.

"What do you want? Why do you have to do. .." Zhan whose feet was bleeding started talking but kept his mouth shut when Wang yibo shouted at him.

"Shut up! Do you think this is your house and you will do and say anything you want huh? What did you tell my boyfriend? Who gave you the right to insult my boyfriend?" Yibo shouted and slapped xiao zhan who touched his cheek and looked at Wang yibo sharply.

"How dare you slap me? Because of that good for nothing man you call a boyfriend, you dare lay your filthy hand on my face!" Zhan shouted, picked a bottle that was on the counter and didn't hesitate but throw towards Wang yibo who moved away, if not, his head could have been injured by now, Wang yibo didn't give time xiao zhan to get anything else, dragging xiao zhan out of the kitchen, yibo wanted to hit xiao zhan again when zhan bite Wang yibo hand hard enough for Wang yibo to bleed, yibo released xiao zhan, but he also kicked xiao zhan on his side, just few meters away from xiao zhan stomach, zhan groaned in pain, touched his stomach and knelt down, it was really very painful.

Wang yibo wasn't done with xiao zhan who could no longer defend himself since he was trying to suppress the pain he was feeling, yibo unfastened his belt and hit the defenceless xiao zhan black and blue, meng who was upstairs and watching the drama downstairs couldn't help but smile, just looking at xiao zhan suffering in the hands of Wang yibo, made him feel so good and satisfied.

"Yibo that's enough, i told you not to hurt him, look what you have done to him, if i were to come here late, then you could have hurt him even more." Meng who rushed downstairs and pushed back Wang yibo said, sounding not so happy with Wang yibo behaviour.

"Are you trying to protect this good for nothing man who just insulted you? Are you stupid baby?" Yibo asked while pointing at xiao zhan who was still clutching onto his stomach.

"That's enough, if something happens to him, then you will be in trouble, i have already forgiven him and i know whatever he said earlier, he didn't mean any harm." Meng answered and went to help xiao zhan to get up, his expression when looking at xiao zhan is full of smiles.

"You don't have to pretend to care in front of me, i don't need your help, Wang yibo i will make you pay for hurting me like this, don't think just because your so rich and well known your above the law, i will make you two pay for this!" Zhan who pushed away meng said, got up from where he was with difficulty and limped away, leaving trails of blood since his leg was hurt when he stepped on the broken piece of glass, it didn't take long before Wang yibo and his boyfriend got arrested, because xiao zhan really called the police and reported of assault, and when the police officer's saw the condition he was in and the boss of the police officers is xiao zhan best friend, the police officers arrested the two.

"Do you want me to torture those two and get justice for you?" Zhan friend asked xiao zhan who wasn't in any danger, the baby was okay and all the injuries were superficial apart from the injury on his feet.

"No need, i just want them to have a taste of jail, let them do hard labour for a week and let them go, i didn't inform my parents with what has happened, because I don't want them to worry about me." Zhan answered, few days later Xiao zhan visited Wang yibo who felt like killing xiao zhan if he gets closer to him, he just couldn't believe his lawyer wasn't informed of what has happened to him and he is forced to work like a slave, this is not how the system works!.

"Just you wait until I'm out of here, i swear i will get you back for this." Yibo threatened xiao zhan who only smiled.

"I'm waiting, do your worse and i will show you hell Wang yibo, you won't scare me Mr Wang yibo, you can step on others but not xiao zhan, you beat me once because I'm pregnant and i couldn't do much, but this time, i will not let you have your way, enjoy your stay, I'm sure your boyfriend is having a good time here, atleast he will toughen up." Zhan said sarcastically and turned around to leave ignoring Wang yibo curses and shouting.

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