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Meng regained consciousness, he groaned in pain, he remembered some unknown men took him away, when he tried to struggle he was knocked unconscious, he doesn't know who dared to kidnap him, he has never hurt anyone or tried to join his uncle's illegal business, though he always scares away people using his boyfriends name and was well known in the business world and the influence he had, though Wang yibo left him, not a lot of people knows and it wasn't leaked and no one could have known if it wasn't for that bitch xiao zhan, who must have set him up, that's the only person who he has had a fight with and it is all because xiao zhan seduced his boyfriend!.

"Your finally awake meng." Meng who was still dazed heard a familiar voice, he immediately looked up and saw Wang yibo who was seated and looking at him, meng eyes lit up, getting up he immediately threw himself towards Wang yibo who wasn't expecting meng to do such a thing.

"You came to save me! I know you will never leave me alone, you will never have the heart to see me suffer!" Meng said in tears, waking up, opening his eyes and he saw the man he loves, he knew Wang yibo is his true and real love, the two are fated to be together and no one will come in between them, not even that bitch xiao zhan who seduced Wang yibo.

"Have some self respect, get off!" Yibo shouted and pushed meng away, making meng to be surprised, especially now that Wang yibo was looking at him with disgust, like he is something so smelly or disgusting, meng was really hurt with wang yibo behaviour.

"Y-yibo Y-you. .." Meng stuttered not believing Wang yibo would push him away like that, it's so unlike Wang yibo, he has never treated him like this or looked at him like this.

"Yibo don't be so hard on him we will leave you two, bye." Yibo friends said and they immediately left, yibo didn't have time to see his friends off, yibo eyes were on meng who was seated on the floor and this time fully dressed, lu bai helped the unconscious meng dress up, though he is a fool sometimes, but he is actually a good person.

"What made you think i will save you if you were in trouble, do you think your related to me in any way?" Yibo asked with a raised eyebrow, meng eyes got teary.

"Why are you so mean to me? I was your boyfriend, but you suddenly broke up with me without any reason! I love you so much! But your mean to me!" Meng shouted in tears, Wang yibo wasn't affected at all with meng tears, it didn't pass a minute, when meng who was about to get up was kicked with whoever budged in, meng shouted in pain and even before he could check who kicked him, he was invited with punches on his face.

"You bastard! You want to kill my baby! I will kill you!" Zhan who was punching the already beaten meng shouted, yibo had to stop xiao zhan who he didn't expect to suddenly come back, though he heard what xiao zhan has said, right now it wasn't time for him to be curious how xiao zhan came to know of his baby existence, right now he has to stop xiao zhan from killing meng, yibo stopped xiao zhan by back hugging him and pulled him back from meng who was lying down on the floor wriggling in pain.

"Calm down, if you continue hitting him, he will really die." Yibo told xiao zhan who was struggling to break free, yibo grasp around xiao zhan waist tightened.

"Let me go! Let me deal with this kid killer! He dared to think of murdering my innocent poor baby!" Zhan shouted while pointing at meng who was now seated and touching his swollen face, right at that moment, he couldn't be recognised.

"Your baby is safe, he is already safe, i will not let anyone hurt our baby boy." Yibo said.

"But you allowed him to be here! You should have dealt with that good for nothing boy! He dared to try and hurt our baby!" Zhan answered while frowning, yibo turned xiao zhan around to face him, he smiled widely making xiao zhan to be somehow confused with wang yibos expression.

"You just said our baby, do you really regard me as his dad? Do you see me as his other parent?" Yibo asked xiao zhan his eyes showing pure happiness, zhan just smirked.

"If you aren't the father then how will i be pregnant! Is it possible for me to get pregnant on my own!" Zhan answered while sighing, meng with the little energy that he has left couldn't believe this two are acting all lovely dovey in front of him!. Getting up from where he was, meng was about to hit xiao zhan, when yibo extended his hand hitting meng on his face, making meng to fall down and lose consciousness.

"Your not allowed to budge in when I'm talking to my dear wife." Yibo said annoyed, zhan looked at the unconscious meng then smiled.

"Have your bodyguards take him to the hospital, I'm going to deal with him later." Zhan said and followed Wang yibo, zhan heart race has increased ten folds with each step he takes, he is really going to see his baby boy, yibo opened his room door, the paediatricin arrived earlier to check the well being of the baby, zhan looked what was in front of him, zhan whole body trembled, just looking at his baby whom he thought had died is actually alive and he looked so healthy, walking closer, zhan touched the glass machine that looks like an incubator and touched.

"M-my b-baby.'s really my baby." Zhan stuttered and broke down into tears, the baby seems like he felt his mother was here and moved closer towards the glass where xiao zhan was standing, yibo hugged the crying xiao zhan from behind and looked at the baby inside the machine.

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