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Wang yibo stopped hugging xiao zhan who stopped struggling, he cupped xiao zhan face, lowered his face few inches closer to that of xiao zhan, before smashing his lips with that of xiao zhan, zhan eyes went wide, he tried to push yibo away but his hands were tightly held above his head making xiao zhan wrists to be bruised, yibo kissed xiao zhan roughly, using his teeth he bit xiao zhan lower lip not so gently making xiao zhan to groan in pain giving Wang yibo the chance to explore every corner of xiao zhan mouth, zhan subconsciously trembled and he clenched his hands into a fist when Wang yibos tongue came into contact with his, closing his eyes zhan returned the kiss, as for the reason as to why he kissed back, zhan himself has no idea.

Wang yibo broke the kiss and started kissing xiao zhan neck while biting leaving hickeys, using his free hand he forcefully teared xiao zhan shirt that he was wearing making xiao zhan come to his senses.

"Stop Wang yibo! If you dare have your way with me without my consent, then i will forever hate you!" Zhan shouted completely panicked, never in his in his dream will he plan of having sex with wang yibo, he will not forgive himself if he ended up getting pregnant for the second time, he is not going with a seed that will be belong to this heartless man after getting divorced, he is not going to make another mistake.

"Do you despise me that much? I'm i so thorny that you push me away all the time? I love you so much that I'm ready to do anything for you, but you want to leave me all alone, you hate me so much that you want nothing to do with me! You want to punish me just because i killed our baby! If our baby isn't dead will you still divorce me huh?" Yibo who was lying on top of xiao zhan asked while forcing xiao zhan to look at him in the eyes.

"Yes, i despise you so much, even if my unborn baby will still be alive i will still divorce you, you think i hate you just because you killed my baby, remember you drugged me and raped me! You took my virginity that i kept for year's for my Mr right away! I have many reasons to hate you and despise you,you destroyed my life and happiness!" Xiao zhan answred bitterly making Wang yibo to chuckle, and within seconds Wang yibos face turned red in anger, making xiao zhan to be scared.

"Mr right? Who is that bastard that was supposed to be Mr right? Are you seeing someone else behind my back? You dare find someone else when you already belong to me! Mention that bastard and i will deal with accordingly for daring to touch something that already belongs to me!" Yibo shouted making xiao zhan lips to twitch, when did he talk about having someone else? Does he look so shameless for him to find someone else! Calling someone a bastard when he doesn't even exist! He should be the bastard here! Acting this jealous and possessive if he were to give him a chance, then he is afraid that he will end up getting locked up!.

Xiao zhan wondered, if Wang yibo acts this possessive and jealous towards, did he also act the same way with meng? Because if he remembers correctly when Wang yibo was together with meng, he has never seen him act like this.

"Bastard? If i have so........" Zhan swallowed his words with just a sharp glare from Wang yibo, zhan pushed Wang yibo away and sat down, he looked at Wang yibo up and down who hasn't said a word, but he seems to be waiting for him to continue speaking, he just looked at him so sharply that he made him stop talking and now he wants him to continue speaking. What kind of man is this now! Being so complicated!.

"Well i have no one, you don't have to be so worked up, the bastard you mentioned must be you." Xiao zhan wanted to say for now, but chose to keep quite, theirs no need to flair up a jealous man, he is tired of arguing with wang yibo, he got dressed because he was to go out and meet his friends, but then he is now shirtless because a beast teared his shirt, luckily he stopped his advancements, zhan knew this is not the right time to talk about the divorce, he sustained several injuries because of this.

"Let me clean your bruises, I'm sorry i didn't control my strength earlier and hurt you, i promise you it will never happen again." Yibo said and got the first aid kit.

"No need, it's no big deal, just bruises, I'm a man after all not a weakling, i have an appointment and I'm about to be late, I might spend the night out." Zhan answered and sighed wondering why he has to tell Wang yibo, he is nothing to him.

"Where are you going? Whom are you going to meet?" Yibo didn't waste time but he immediately asked, zhan raised his eyebrow.

"That doesn't concern you in any way, why should i tell you?"

"Because I am your husband!"

"I don't have time to talk to you, I'm getting late." Zhan who rolled his eyes answered and started walking back to his room, but he was immediately carried like a sack of potatoes by Wang, arriving at xiao zhan room, yibo closed the door from outside locking xiao zhan inside his room.

"Your not going to meet anyone! Your not to leave here without my permission!" Yibo shouted from outside and walked away, zhan was beyond surprised when he realised that he was locked up like a prisoner! This is really too much! Does it mean Wang yibo will be monitoring him like he is some kinda of a kid or a criminal.

"Wang yibo! Open this door right this minute!" Zhan shouted knowing well Wang yibo will not open the door, his friends must be annoyed thinking that he stood them up and didn't even inform them, because his phone was left in the sitting room!.

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