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The family ate the food with xiao zhan explaining what he meant, but deep down he knew his mother saw through his lie, but he really doesn't care for now, what has been done has been done, theirs no longer threat out their for him to worry about, Wang yibo is already with him and with that man madly in love with him and following him around like a lost puppy, xiao zhan is sure to be the luckiest man to meet such a man who will do anything for him without complaining even once, but then he has to get used to his possessiveness and jealousy, Wang yibo is just too much, every man or woman in his eyes is a threat, deep down xiao zhan somehow loves it, knowing that lucky person is actually him.

"This is our son, he is already six months, if he continues like this, he will be allowed off the machine a month earlier, which will be eight months." Zhan said while smiling, he is very sure he will meet his baby boy soon, he is going to hold him close, kiss him, tease him and even sing him to sleep, that feeling of doing everything for his baby is just so perfect and it makes xiao zhan to be so happy. Zhan moved away to give space to the four to look closely to the baby who was actually awake and moving around, little bubbles could be seen too to fluid that was acting like amniotic fluid, yibo hugged xiao zhan by his waist and smiled.

"They look so happy and our son has become naughty, feeling someone is actually complimenting him, he is not afraid of stranger's at all, he is a real man." Yibo said his warm breath fanning xiao zhan neck, making xiao zhan to feel a little bit hot, especially around his neck, xiao zhan didn't mind Wang yibo back hugging him in front of his parents, well he is used to it, but then this back hugging has made him to somehow react.

"I'm sure i wasn't that naughty or be so social with people, i think he is like you and in future he might be a very successful politician." Zhan answered while smiling, Yibo pulled zhan even more closer to his body, slipping his hand under xiao zhan shirt, he lovingly caressed xiao zhan stomach. Zhan earlobe turned slightly red and he subconsciously trembled with wang yibos fingers which were cold coming into contact with his stomach.

"Allowing you to hug me, didn't give you the go ahead to allow your naughty fingers to touch me!" Zhan whispered, his voice low since he didn't want his parents or that of Wang yibos to hear what he is saying.

"What are you two whispering about so lovingly? Acting lovey dovey in front of us? Do you think your the only one's who are in love? Madam xiao, i think we should take this baby away, I'm afraid our grandson will be taught some bad manners!" Yibo mom said, making xiao zhan to pinch Wang yibo hand, yibo released xiao zhan but he didn't stop grinning from ear to ear, unlike xiao zhan who was blushing.

"Your right, they will only be allowed to come and check on him, xiao zhan come with me and have a word with your mother." Zhan mom answered, zhan won't allow anyone to take his baby away, his son will stay here with him, xiao zhan predicted what his mother wanted to talk about with him, but he wasn't fazed at all.

"Mom what is it that you wanted to talk about, i don't remember the last time you called me and have a mother son talk, i remember the day when i was to get married, you nor father called me to talk to me." Zhan asked, zhan mother sighed, she knew she is not that talkative, she might act like she doesn't care, but she really cares.

"I know, but I am your mother after all, tell me the truth, what did he do to you? Were you in danger because of him and almost lost the baby?" Zhan mom asked his son.

"Mom you really don't have to worry, what was meant to happen has happened, my baby is safe, I am safe, for you showing that you extremely care gives me creeps you know that, it has nothing to do with wang yibo, it was my carelessness." Zhan answered, he doesn't want anything to change, having his parents behave the way they used to is fine, it feels really strange having her mother to clearly show that she cares.

"My dear mom, I'm no longer a baby, I'm really thankful for you being concerned about me, i know even if you always don't show it, you and dad has been concerned and caring about my well being, trust me mother, I'm fine and Wang yibo, he is really good and he loves me." Zhan reassured her mother, zhan mom hugged his son, she knows his son loves being independent, it has never been his cup of tea to depend on others.

"I can see in his eyes that he really loves you son, what about you? Do you love him too?" Zhan mom asked his son.

"Mother. ..i need sometime to think about that, he has really been good to me and protected our son, i have already given him a chance, i love his company and i always feel happy when he is around me, i don't feel upset if he teases me all the time." Zhan answered sincerely, he just have a hint that he is in love with Wang yibo, he doesn't feel disgusted when Wang yibo touches him, although he still remembers what he has said, if he will fall in love with Wang yibo then he will surely be a dog, it looks like he will really end up being a dog.

"If you need any help from me or your dad, feel free to talk to us, we are ready to listen, you're our only baby boy, our only son. Remember mom and dad loves you so much, don't let that boy bully you, mom and dad will deal with him if he dares hurt you." Zhan mom said, zhan smiled, for once he really had a heart to heart talk with his mother, which is really so rare.

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