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"Don't cry zhan zhan, everything is alright, see our baby is also worried about his mommy." Yibo who was still back hugging xiao zhan said, zhan stopped crying and looked at his baby who was closer, yibo helped zhan wipe his tears away.

"I'm not crying, i just feel so happy, i never dreamt our baby to be really alive, your not that bad after all, atleast you have a good side." Zhan answered and smiled, the emptiness in his heart is no longer their, he now has everything to be happy, his baby is alive and he is going to make sure his baby will be the happiest child, he will give him everything and make him comfortable, his baby boy will be the most loved baby boy in the whole world, other parents will surely be jealous, the baby seems to know what his mommy was thinking and he moved around happily his little legs kicking.

Xiao zhan laughed happily seeing his baby boy move around so happily.

"Just look at him, he knows how to fight just like his mommy." Zhan added feeling very proud, yibo had to accept with what xiao zhan has said, zhan is in such a good mood and it's not cool to destroy such moments.

Wang yibo and xiao zhan talked with the paediatrician who came to check on the baby, asked a few questions before letting the doctor go, the two were left alone, zhan stomach grumbled, he remembered he actually didn't eat, he prepared breakfast but then left immediately after talking with wen ning.

"You haven't eaten breakfast, the chef must be done preparing, let's go eat." Yibo said and had xiao zhan go downstairs, zhan was really very happy, he didn't mind Wang yibo holding his hand, if people were to see them now, then he might think they're the happiest and perfect couple, the breakfast was lively, zhan was talkative more than normal, his stories surrounds around the baby, Wang yibo didn't mind, as long as the person he loves is happy, then he is also happy, he is going to support him and make sure he is the happiest person in the whole world.

"I have bought  a new house few weeks ago, it's big, the environment is safe for the baby, and security is also guaranteed, i wanted to tell you, but then yesterday you said after our parents comes back, we..." Yibo started talking, he couldn't bring himself to mention the word divorce, his fingers were clenched into a fist, and anger could clearly be seen on his face, though he was really trying not to show it, the once lively and happy environment turned gloomy.

"Well last night i thought it through, i will have you take the house, you can live their with our son, that way i will be at ease, i will respect whatever decision you will make, but i will not give up so easily on pursuing you, i will make you love me and we can get married again, i promise you that." Yibo though sounding unhappy added, xiao zhan didn't expect Wang yibo to say that, this man changes like a chameleon, yesterday he was so violent when he talked about divorcing him and today he is somehow calm though not really, he can see that Wang yibo is trying to calm himself down.

"Well, i changed my mind, i will not divorce you, but that doesn't mean I have forgiven you, you need to prove yourself that you can be a good dad and not pretending, then one day you suddenly change and be the monstor i hate the most, i will not forgive anyone who will be mean to my baby, you saved my baby, did everything to make sure our baby is safe, I'm not a heartless person, I'm really grateful for what you have done, your not a killer, but maybe a good father." Zhan answered and sighed when he was suddenly picked up by Wang yibo bridal style.

"Great! So great! Trust me i will be the greatest dad and i will treat you the best!" Yibo said his voice containing pure excitement.

"Stop with the rotating, i just ate, i will surely vomit if you continue." Zhan complained not minding being carried by Wang yibo, it actually felt nice, he somehow liked it, it feels right. And zhan really wishes to be carried all the time by none other but Wang yibo.

Yibo had xiao zhan sit down, then he pushed his chair to sit closer to xiao zhan who expected.

"Your so beautiful, i wonder why i was so blind before not to see this angel in front of me." Wang yibo said while looking at xiao zhan without blinking his eyes, zhan rolled his eyes with his ears tinted with red, this man really knows how to flirt.

"Because my mom and dad genes are perfect, you really must be fool for not seeing my beauty earlier." Zhan who will never reject a compliment answered feeling very proud.

"I know, but now this fool is very smart, i got a perfect gem, my wife is so unique, everything about him is perfect."

The two talked for a while with xiao zhan blushing from time to time with Wang yibo words, yibo is really good with sweet words. Later that day, the two went out to buy some baby necessities, they bought a lot and they didn't mind spending money to buy expensive things for their son, because he deserves everything.

"Tomorrow we will go to the new house and start decorating our baby room, he will be here in few months time." Zhan said, yibo nodded his head in agreement, making sure they got everything, they decided to return back and come back some other time to buy more things. Yibo and zhan stayed their evening in Wang yibos room, just to look at the baby.

"I will stay the night here with the baby, you can sleep in the next room." Zhan told Wang yibo who was caught off guard.

"Can't we sleep together in here, we are married couple already." Yibo protested, how he wished to sleep on the same bed with xiao zhan, hug him close every night forever.

"Not possible! You sleep in the next room and that's final." Zhan answered, he knew what kind of a man Wang yibo is, he is such a Pervert! He will not fall for his tricks again.

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