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"Have the driver buy some water for me, I'm thirsty." Yibo who was seated in the car and zhan helped him buckle his seat belt said, zhan motioned the driver to do what Wang yibo has said, zhan sat down beside Wang yibo and smiled.

"We will be home soon, atleast i will have enough rest after i hand you over to the maids to take care of you." Zhan said sounding very happy while stretching his body, yibo slightly frowned when he heard what xiao zhan has said, but then his expression changed within seconds.

"I don't mind, my maids have been wanting to touch and see this perfect body, my wife is so generous that he wants to share what rightfully belonged to him, I'm so happy." Yibo who was gritting his teeth in anger but at the same time pretending to smile, he just didn't expect the person he has finally decided to pursue will say such a thing, he must be annoying him intentionally, saying such hurtful things to see how he will react.

"Y-you! How dare you put words in my mouth! I didn't say that nor my words meant that!" Zhan who didn't bother to check Wang yibos expression answered, yibo nodded his head and looked away as he tried to calm down.

"In your eyes I'm nothing more than just a tool, handing me over to anyone that you want, such a great wife I've got." Yibo said sarcastically, zhan who realised that Wang yibo was angry rolled his eyes and didn't say a word, what did he say that sounded so wrong? Now he is not sure why Wang yibo got angry, well he has no time to deal with a big man who wants to be coaxed like  a child, he did nothing wrong or said anything wrong, the drive all the way back was silent, xiao zhan didn't really mind that, he has a lot of things to worry about.

Arriving at Wang yibos house, yibo refused xiao zhan from helping him, he had a maid help him back to his room, even before xiao zhan could follow inside, yibo closed the door, shutting xiao zhan outside.

"Why are you behaving like a kid Wang yibo? Can you stop holding a grudge over trivial matters, your not a two yearsold kid!" Zhan shouted from outside while knocking at Wang yibos room.

"Since you think I'm a kid, then get lost! You should know now that i always hold a grudge!" Yibo shouted and decided to rest, zhan was rendered speechless, he didn't expect Wang yibo to behave like this, this is really so bad, zhan walked away somehow annoyed.

"I won't bother with you, let's see how long your going to be stubborn." Zhan whispered and decided to go back to his room, but then he remembered what Wang yibo has said, having those maids helping him with everything, and that means, the maids will also help him to shower and dress wang yibo, zhan knew better, of course he is not going to allow those maids to see Wang yibos body, well why should he care if other's see Wang yibos body? Well. ...they're still married and he wouldn't let other people touch what belongs to him, he will let other's touch him when the two are still together and legally married.

"Hey you, no one is allowed to go inside your boss room, without my permission, if anyone dares, i will personally punish them." Zhan instructed one of the maids, the maid felt the cold weather around his boss partner, and she knew better what she is supposed to do. Their boss partner is so beautiful but then at the same time he is so scary.

"Yes sir, i will inform you if boss needs something." The maid answered and left, zhan was satisfied with the maids answer, returning back to his room, zhan felt the familiarity, though he didn't live here for long, but maybe somehow he could regard this place as his other home. Several months has already passed.

"Boss something happened, suddenly the share holders of wang company shares were mysteriously transferred to someone else, the person who is in charge of the company at the moment showed the legal documents, and the new CEO of the company is the young tycoon xiao zhan." The man assigned to taken care of everything came to report, meng uncle dropped the phone he was holding, shattering the phone into pieces.

"What? How did that happen? You told me that everything was going on as planned!" Meng uncle shouted his whole body trembling, with all the plans that he has been working on for year's are about to be destroyed by that young boy who was just born the other day!.

"I just didn't expect things could turn this way, we didn't know that young tycoon to be involved so we didn't take any measures." The man said, not believing when they were about to get everything, but then everything was shattered.

"It doesn't matter! As long as he comes in my way, then I'm going to deal with him! No one plays with me and gets away with it! Wait for my instructions." Mengs uncle shouted and walked away, breaking everything in his way in anger, meng who returned back heard the conversation and he immediately walked out, for the past few days, he tried to meet his boyfriend, but that slut they call xiao zhan stopped him and had the bodyguards kick him out like he is nothing, so what if he is a tycoon and knows martial arts, he is going to deal with him and meet his boyfriend.

"Yibo i know i was wrong, i shouldn't have said such words, stop being angry and at least talk to me, didn't you say you will treat me like a queen since I'm your wife." Zhan who managed to enter Wang yibos room said, looking at Wang yibo who was actually ignoring him, but hearing xiao zhan words, yibo secretly smiled.

"Do you think your sweet words will make me forgive you so easily, I'm not so easily coaxed." Yibo answered with a smirk on his face.

"Oh then what should i do to make my dear husband to stop being angry?" Zhan who was being sarcastic asked, yibo didn't mind even though he knew xiao zhan was being sarcastic.

"Are you really sure you can do anything that i want, just for this husband to forgive you?" Yibo asked.

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