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Wang yibo visited the hospital today and met the doctor who performed the surgery on xiao zhan, they talked for quite some time before the two walked into a private room, yibo was left alone and he stayed for over an hour before finally coming out, zhan knew of wang yibos frequent visits at the hospital, but he didn't bother to know the reason, well even if he knew, then he knew for sure that it will not benefit him in any way.

Xiao zhan waited for wang yibo to return back home that day since he wanted to speak to him, though they live in the same house, they rarely see each other and it is xiao zhan doing, he always makes sure that he avoids Wang yibo at all cost and no matter how hard Wang yibo tries to meet xiao zhan or even create a scenario that it was just a coincidence that the two met, Wang yibo will still fail, Wang yibo really knows xiao zhan is clearly ignoring him and doesn't want to see him or talk to him, yibo was really hurt, that feeling of getting ignored by the person you truly love, yibo was patient enough, he didn't force xiao zhan into anything or make xiao zhan feel uncomfortable towards him, he is going to do everything for xiao zhan to forgive him and give him a chance to a torn for his mistakes and be together forever.

Yibo had several meetings that day, by the time he was done it was already seven in the evening, yibo hurried back home, he rarely stays outside late or go with his friends for fun, though he knew xiao zhan will ignore him but he made sure to return home early and just get a glimpse of xiao zhan, each passing day wang yibo falls even more in love with xiao zhan and soon he might be obsessed with xiao zhan, yibo was smiling and in a good mood all the way back to the house, just thinking about xiao zhan always made his fatigue go away and he feels very refreshed.

Wang yibo was somehow surprised seeing xiao zhan seated at the sitting room, he doesn't remember the last time he saw xiao zhan in the sitting room since he recovered his eye sight, it was like xiao zhan just visits the house like a visitor and then leaves even though he lives in the same house just like him, Wang yibo felt very happy seeing the person he loves so much, yibo increased his pace and approached the seated xiao zhan with a wide smile on his face making him look like an idiot, zhan shook his head and thought when people say when people fall in love they become stupid, this must be one of the forms of stupidity. Yibo threw his jacket away sat down beside xiao zhan and pulled xiao zhan closer for a hug, zhan didn't expect Wang yibo to hug him.

"I missed you xiao zhan, I'm sorry for hugging you, but i just couldn't control myself." Yibo said but didn't let xiao zhan go, he hugged xiao zhan tightly and closed his eyes, zhan wanted to push Wang yibo away and warn him not to easily touch him but kept quite when he heard Wang yibos word's, his heart itched a bit and decided to let Wang yibo hug him for a bit. A minute passed and xiao zhan realised that Wang yibo was still hugging him.

"You have hugged me enough, move away, I'm waiting for you here so that we could talk, it's important." Yibo was a bit disappointed, even if he expected for xiao zhan not to return his hug or answer that he has missed him too, but he still felt bitter, releasing xiao zhan yibo smiled hiding his sadness, though his expression didn't pass xiao zhan who chose to ignore.

"Sure, will you wait for me to freshen up so that we could talk?"

"No need, it will not take more than a minute, hear me out and i will get going once I'm done." Zhan protested, yibo nodded his head in understanding and motioned xiao zhan to say what he wanted to say, he has no idea what xiao zhan wanted to say but he was really very nervous, he just hope whatever xiao zhan will say will be a good thing.

"Well i will cut the story short, your parents and my parents will be returning back in a week, I'm no longer pregnant, you killed my baby but i didn't tell a thing to my parents since i didn't want them to be worried for nothing, months has already happened since my baby died, i have no other reason to stay here, once our parents return we are going to get divorced." Zhan said each word was a stab to Wang yibos heart, yibo shook his head and grabbed xiao zhan shoulders.

"I won't let you divorce me, i told you that i love you, i know what i did was wrong, i will wait for you till the day you will forgive me, but i won't allow you to leave me! I'm not going to divorce you! I won't!" Yibo answered, zhan expected Wang yibo to refuse, but he has already decided, he has no reason to stay here, his baby is dead and he hates this man who killed his baby, he is not going to forgive him for what he has done.

"I have already decided, i want us to get divorced, i will get the divorce paper's the same day our parents will be coming back, i don't need anything from you, i will leave here the same way here i came here, i owe you nothing, i don't love you." Zhan who was still calm said calmly, yibo lost it and the grasp on xiao zhan shoulders tightened making xiao zhan to hiss in pain.

"I said i will not let you go! Your forbidden to leave me! Even if it means locking you up then i will do it! You belong to me and i will not you leave me! You stay here with me for the rest of your life!" Yibo shouted while looking at xiao zhan who was on the verge of crying because of how tight yibos grasp was, xiao zhan didn't expect Wang yibo to be so possessive of him, yibo seeing xiao zhan expression, he released xiao but then he hugged him, no matter how hard xiao zhan struggled he couldn't break free.

"Your not allowed to leave me, your only mine, never mention the word divorce to me,because I will not let you go." Yibo added with his whole body was trembling, zhan got tired of struggling and whimpered in pain with how his shoulders was burning in pain.

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