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"Everything is getting messed up, this Wang yibo is annoying me every passing minute, i wanted to just talk to him calmly, but now see, just because i said i want to divorce him, he hurt my hands and almost raped me for the second time! That not being enough he is locking me up just because i want to go out with friends! If he doesn't even trust me and he is treating me like this, if i were to really fall in love with him, does he really think i will love him again, claiming to love me, but he hasn't shown anything that really shows that he loves me!" Zhan complained while walking around the room, even if he acts all possessive, jealousy and over protective, but this doesn't show he really loves him, he can't even control his emotions and with just a little trigger he hurt him like this and regret later, he will really not fall in love with that kind of man.

Zhan halted his steps and looked at the window, it's not closed, it's still opened, looking out through the window, he is only at the first floor and it's easy to get down to the ground, zhan moods lifted up and he can finally go out, once he is out of here then he will surely not come back, he will stay at one of his friends house till the day his parents will come back, he will come back with the divorce paper's and have Wang yibo sign, he really needs his freedom and not getting tied up with a man he doesn't really like.

Applying ointment on his bruises, zhan got dressed up, carefully tying several bedsheets, zhan used it as a rope, getting down safely, zhan didn't bother to go out with his car, rather he walked out of the gate, ordered a taxi and left, he already knew where he was to meet his friends, arriving where his friends, zhan smiled embarrassingly because he was really late.

"I'm sorry guys, something happened and i ended up coming late." Zhan said while scratching his hair while blushing, zhan friends who were jiang cheng, xu kai and yang yang, they have been childhood friends, studied together since elementary school till high school and got separated after joining university, zhan went to the states, and his three friends travelled to other countries to further their studies and returned back to take over their family business not long ago, and this is their first meeting since they got separated.

"Its so unlike you to say sorry, we missed you buddy." Xu kai said and the small group friends hugged, sitting down, everyone ordered what they want to eat, they reserved a room for themselves in a well known restaurant.

"Hey zhan zhan, i heard you work as a secret agent for the government, is that true? Are you really that great?" Jiang cheng asked curious.

"What's so great about working with the government, it's just a part time job, i only handle missions that the government couldn't  handle, it's nothing interesting." Zhan answered while laughing, zhan will never hide anything from his three best friends.

"I know to you it's nothing, someone as smart as you that the government treasures and respects you, people will really be jealous, you know he earns millions within a week, he must be a billionaire now, so young and your already rich, I'm so proud of you." Yang yang added.

"Quit with the compliments already it's nothing really, tell me what you have upto these past few years?" Zhan asked, the group ate while chatting happily, laughter could be heard coming from the room from time to time.

"Buddy are you really sure of what you have said? My boyfriend did that to xiao zhan?" Meng asked his friend who invited him out to have fun at a nearby club which wasn't very far from meng apartment. The man seated next to meng who looks the same age as meng nodded his head.

"I'm very sure of that, i was there when your boyfriend visited the hospital, i checked the files and i was surprised, your boyfriend seems to love his wife so much even after you staged the plot, he still was sympathetic, here i managed to even take pictures of the confidential files that my senior doctor kept." The young man answered making meng to tremble in anger, he risked his life just to make Wang yibo leave xiao zhan, but it looks like what he did brought Wang yibo and xiao zhan even closer, that not being enough he broke up with him and started chasing xiao zhan which was not a threat to him before but now everything was destroyed and it is all xiao zhan fault.

"That bitch is everywhere, not only did he take my boyfriend away from me, he made my boyfriend lie to me and made me believe that bitch baby died! He actually saved that baby's bitch behind my back!" Meng shouted in anger and gulped down the alcohol that was remaining in his glass.

"Don't be so worked up, you have to think a way of what your going to do, as a good friend, i couldn't just let my best friend be treated so badly and suffer." Meng friend said sympathising with his friend, he just couldn't stand by and see his friend get played and not do anything.

"Your asking me! My dear friend I'm going to kill that bitch child! I'm going to terminate that useless kid, that kid was supposed to die and not live!" Meng shouted in anger and now not being in his right senses after drinking alcohol.

"You need to calm down, it's not that easy to even get near where the child is kept, only the senior doctor and qualified trusted pediatrician are allowed to go inside, no one else." The young man who is working at the same hospital where Wang yibo visits almost every day answered,

"I don't care, you have to help me!" Meng shouted desperate, he needs no threat at all, now the hate he had for xiao zhan increased ten folds.

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