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Xiao zhan spent the night at the hospital with wang yibo closely monitoring Wang yibo condition, yibo gained consciousness the second day early in the morning, it looks like the hit made Wang yibo to lose his sight, luckily the doctor said it's just a temporary thing, it is not that serious.

"Thank you xiao zhan for taking care of me last night and taking me to the hospital." Yibo said sounding so sincere, he is still trying to process if what happened last night was really true, his boyfriend tried to strangle xiao zhan, after stopping him, he tried to xiao zhan with a flower vase, luckily xiao zhan was saved, zhan chuckled.

"Its nothing, even if i don't want to be here, but then your beautiful angel boyfriend ran away and you have no family here right at the moment, so i have no choice but to be here, but don't get the wrong idea here, because i honestly hate you and despise you for killing my baby, i will never forgive you for that!" Zhan answered and prevented himself from crying, he can save others who might experience the same situation as him with the invention he made and is accepted and now used all over the world, but he couldn't save his unborn baby.

"I understand, i know what i did was inhumane, i really regret it now, but trust me, i will make it up for you." Yibo said making xiao zhan to chuckle bitterly, make it up for him? His baby is already dead, what's there to make up?.

"Your so funny Mr Wang yibo, make it up for me? How? By drugging me and having sex with me so that you could impregnate me for the second time?" Zhan asked his voice containing pure sarcasm.

"I know, my behaviour was really so unforgivable, i did a lot of bad things to you, i just. ...." Yibo didn't know what to say next and he just kept quite, he will gladly accept whatever xiao zhan will decide or do to him because he deserves it, he did something unforgivable and terrible, he must face the consequences of his actions.

Xiao zhan didn't say another word, getting a basin with warm water, xiao zhan wiped Wang yibos face, changed the bandage on Wang yibos head, helped yibo eat his breakfast, then took him to shower, since yibo vision is compromised, zhan was forced to help Wang yibo take a bath.

"If your not comfortable, let me do it myself, you can wait for me outside." Yibo who felt like xiao zhan was hesitant said.

"Even if I feel uncomfortable, do i have any choice? Now your blind, you can't see anything, so i will just help you." Zhan answered while undressing Wang yibo, zhan face turned red when he removed the last piece of Wang yibos cloth, it's just so embarrassing and someone might think he is a Pervert, zhan looked away whenever he was to wash Wang yibos thighs, it's just so unethical, luckily he didn't do anything concerning medicine, else he could be seeing and maybe touching gross thing's. Xiao zhan wiped Wang yibos body, then helped him dress up, after making sure Wang yibo was comfortable on the hospital bed, zhan decided to go have something to eat, he is starving.

"I will get going now, i won't be long, i will buy something and come back." Zhan said and walked out of the private room that Wang yibo was admitted, zhan went out of the hospital and meng who was trying to find where his boyfriend was admitted saw the room where xiao zhan came out, last night, he wasn't able to sleep, he spent the whole night awake and worried, just thinking what might have happened to his boyfriend. Meng opened the door, yibo who was waiting for xiao zhan to come back was surprised because xiao zhan seems not to take long.

"Zhan zhan you came back so soon? Did you run?" Yibo asked while sitting down, meng slightly frowned, it looks like the way his boyfriend calls xiao zhan has changed and he really hates the name.

"Yibo it's me, i was very worried and i came to see you." Meng said, making Wang yibo who was smiling to immediately frown.

"Worried? Or you came to check if i have died, i really misjudged you, your someone who shouldn't be depended on." Yibo who was already bored and unhappy when he heard mengs voice answered.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you last night, it was an accident." Meng said, but his hands were slapped away by Wang yibo.

"Leave me alone, and i really don't want to see you again, this relationship has already become toxic, let's just break up, your free to do anything you want now, never your face in front of me again, we are done." Yibo said something that he has never said before since he started dating with his boyfriend, everything is a mess now and he needs some piece of mind, with wang yibo thinking too much, he started getting uncomfortable, meng who was beyond scared of breaking up with wang yibo has already sat down beside Wang yibo and begging him not to leave him and he didn't see Wang yibos discomfort.

Zhan returned back and saw the situation and he called the doctor, both xiao zhan and meng were told to go out for sometime.

"I'm sure you really don't love wang yibo, i already know your intentions, wanting to destroy the wangs." Zhan who was standing while supporting his body with the wall said making meng face to turn pale.

"W-what a-are y-you t-talking a-bout." Meng who immediately got exposed with how he reacted stuttered, zhan chuckled and shook his head.

"You only know my name is xiao zhan and a man who stole your boyfriend and destroyed your boyfriend, also a proud boy who comes from a rich family, well you really don't know what I'm capable of doing, and by the way you don't have to worry that i will stop or interfere with your mission, you do what you have started, it's none of my business, i can also help you and destroy the wangs, it's a piece of cake for me." Zhan answered with a smirk on his face.

"Stop with your nonsense, i don't know what your talking about." Meng said and was about to leave when xiao zhan stopped him.

"And a small advice, you can do anything to other's, let it be your boyfriend, well it's your problem, but then if you dare to come in my way again, i will kill your uncle, I'm sure he is your only relative, but i really don't care, it's just a little warning from me, you can go now." Zhan answered and released meng with a sinister face on his smile which made xiao zhan who is already beautiful to be even more alluring.

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