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"And a small advice, you can do anything to other's, let it be your boyfriend, well it's your problem, but then if you dare to come in my way again, i will kill your uncle, I'm sure he is your only relative, but i really don't care, it's just a little warning from me, you can go now." Zhan answered and released meng with a sinister smile on his face which made xiao zhan who is already beautiful to be even more alluring.

Meng seemed not to be scared with xiao zhan threatening, facing xiao zhan meng smiled and moved even more closer to xiao zhan, and they're eyes locked.

"I'm not scared of you xiao zhan, you think threatening me with your empty words will scare me away? Keep on day dreaming, you just don't know who my uncle is, think twice before trying to make such lame words." Meng answered with a smirk on his face then walked away, xiao zhan chuckled and returned back to the hospital room where Wang yibo was, Wang yibo was already resting, zhan looked at Wang yibo closely and silently sighed. This man took advantage of him when he just attended a club, made him drunk, raped him and took away his virginity, then without any remorse informed him that it was just a by the way, it was nothing, he was really hurt, his first time was taken away without his own consent, he ended up pregnant which was unplanned, he decided to take care and accept the baby, but then his baby was killed with the man his unborn baby was to call dad.

And the same man is here blind and heard is forced to take care of him, shouldn't he let him suffer? But then he just couldn't bring himself to be heartless just like the man who was heartless enough to kill his unborn baby.

"Its really funny, helping a killer, I'm really so pathetic." Zhan whispered and sat down, touching his flat stomach which used to have a small bump and prevented himself from crying, he never had weakness and never cried, but now he became this terrible because of wanting to give his unborn baby a complete family wnd be a good son who never disrespects his parents and always does what his parents says.

Xiao zhan didn't have much to do, just taking care of wang yibo at the hospital, doing everything that Wang yibo wanted, since he couldn't see now and needs help. Meng on the other side returned directly to his uncle's place, somehow scared.

"Uncle you said you will have a background check on xiao zhan, today he threatened to kill you, i thought he was justa rich brat who depends on his parents riches, but now i think I'm wrong." Meng told his uncle who was leisurely seated and drinking wine.

"Your actually right, apart from coming from a very rich family, he has his own business and he even invented a lot of things which are worth billions, few weeks ago he is the same person who invented machines that hospitals all over the world are now using, but then there's something that i couldn't find it, he seems not to be a simple person, my good nephew be careful not to cross his line for now, before i get to know who he really is." Meng uncle answered surprising his nephew even more, meng knew his uncle who is a mafia is well known and feared by everyone, and he always gets information of everyone he ever wanted to know, this is the first time his uncle told him an incomplete information about someone, and that person is actually the man who took his boyfriend away, he is the reason as to why his boyfriend wants to break up with him and doesn't want to see him.

"Be careful with what you do now, I'm sure that young boy is already aware of our movements, don't destroy everything that I've worked for year's, just because you have already fallen in love with our enemy." Meng uncle added making meng to tremble with his hands clenched into a fist, if it wasn't for xiao zhan, then his boyfriend Wang yibo could have been still his and the two could have been married and having a family.

"I....i understand uncle, now Wang yibo is at the hospital, he will surely not be going to work because of his condition, i think it's high time we take action uncle, let's take everything that once belongs to our family." Meng answered, he is sure if Wang yibo will have nothing, zhan will surely leave him, and Wang yibo will be desperate, and him meng will use this chance to get back together with Wang yibo and be the perfect couple they used to be, he is going to show Wang yibo the person who truly and wholeheartedly loves him, the person who will never abandon him, even after he is in deep trouble and has nothing.

"I can see that my nephew is growing up and learning more, i have already started preparations, most of the wangs shareholders are already on my side, strike immediately after i have notified you." Meng uncle said, meng nodded in understanding and left with a smile on his face, just imagining crushing xiao zhan who destroyed his happiness and making his boyfriend believe him rather than the person he has known for year's.

'Right now you will continue being arrogant xiao zhan, but i will wait until my uncle gave me the go ahead and i will make you regret for trying to snatch my boyfriend away for me.'


"Here open your mouth, this is your afternoon medication, the doctor said you will be allowed to go back home after three days." Zhan said and helped Wang yibo take his medicine, few days has already passed and Wang yibo has really started viewing xiao zhan differently, and he is just not sure, but for the past few days that xiao zhan has taken care of him, he has started falling in love with xiao zhan, zhan was his first, he is the first person he ever kissed and made love to, though he hated him before for forcing him to marry him, but now with how xiao zhan is treating him, though he couldn't see xiao zhan expression, but he has the feeling, xiao zhan is not forcing himself to take care of him, but rather he is doing it willingly and wholeheartedly, zhan talks to the doctor nicely, asks yibos well being and he honestly admits that Wang yibo is his husband, which made Wang yibo really view xiao zhan differently.

In Wang yibos view right at that moment was an angel, someone who is rare to meet and see. Yibo moved his hand and touched xiao zhan face, zhan who was holding the glass of water for Wang yibo to drink froze and blinked his eyes in confusion, zhan tried to move away when yibo caressed his face, but yibo stopped him from moving, zhan somehow got nervous with wang yibo behaviour.

"W-what a-are you trying to do Wang yibo? Let me go! Stop touching me!" Zhan shouted while struggling to break free. 

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