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Two weeks went by and xiao zhan was safe and sound and no drama came to him, zhan concentrated on what he was doing for year's and the well being of his baby, apart from his parents and friends, the only person that is very important to him is his unbranded baby, he is almost two months pregnant and he couldn't do his work normally like he used to, xiao zhan though he has interacted with a lot of people, but xiao zhan has always been independent, he has never depended on his parents for anything, his education since high school, he has been paying everything all by himself.

Yibo reconciled with his boyfriend a week and now they're good and they have decided to forget everything and start all over and if possible get married soon after xiao zhan is out of the picture, meng has already planned everything and will be put into action anytime, as for Wang yibo with what he has been doing for the past two weeks has already been done, xiao zhan will surely be begging him, but it will be too late by then.

Xiao zhan had to go to his checkup that morning, he already had an appointment, ordering food from outside for his breakfast, zhan got everything that he wanted for that day and was ready to go, going out of his room, zhan saw meng standing not far from the stairs and he seems to be waiting for someone, maybe his so called boyfriend, well xiao zhan hasn't seen meng for weeks and seeing him today, he seems to have lost a lot of weight, it looks like the jail really loved this meng that he ended up being more skinner.

Xiao zhan was about to go down the stairs when meng stopped him, always standing in front of him, the action lasted for few minutes making xiao zhan to frown and stopped moving.

"What do you want? I really don't have time for your little games Mr meng." Zhan who was losing his patience said with a slight frown on his face, meng who knew he couldn't let this opportunity go smirked.

"What man snatcher, are you afraid of me now? Don't you feel embarrassed at all knowing you shamelessly took someone else man?" Meng sneered, zhan smiled, shook his head and decided to walk away, but meng stopped him while looking at Wang yibos room, he really can't fool around with this fool any longer.

"You already said i stole your man, fine i admit it I'm shameless, because i got the man whom you failed to keep and now I've decided to show how a man should be kept, right here I'm carrying his baby and soon we are going to be parents and what about you? Being in relationship for year's with him but nothing, and i just a one night thing and i became his wife and pregnant, you really are no match for me, so please stop wasting my time and get away from me." Zhan answered and was about to push meng away when meng held his hand and forced him to hold the knife that meng was holding and even before xiao zhan could react, meng moved closer and stabbing himself on his stomach, zhan tensed and moved back with his eyes pale, he looked at his hand which he was still holding the knife that meng stabbed himself then back at meng who was holding where he got stabbed.

"Y-you, why did you have to do this, when i already told you i will let Wang yibo go and i will have you have a peaceful life." Meng who was bleeding profusely before falling down and rolling down the stairs, zhan dropped the knife and moved back while shaking his head.

"I didn't do it, i didn't stab him, he tricked me." Zhan who was really scared this time said in a panicked voice, Wang yibo who saw what happened, how his boyfriend got stabbed by xiao zhan ran towards his boyfriend.

"B-babe please don't leave me, i will call an ambulance for you, just hang on." Yibo who was afraid of losing his boyfriend said, Andrew with trembling hands he immediately called an ambulance, meng was rushed to the hospital, zhan also followed with his own car, he might pretend not to care, but he knows better what is right and what is wrong, he is a human being and he knows what to ignore and what not to ignore.

Wang yibo saw xiao zhan who was standing at the far end corner, while playing with his fingers, yibo who was already worried and angry walked towards xiao zhan, grabbing xiao zhan neck and pushed xiao zhan, making zhan to back come into contact with the hall.

"You! If anything happens to my boyfriend, trust me, i will make you pay! Just to be with me, you tried to kill my boyfriend in front of me! I didn't expect the man i married is actually a killer!" Yibo shouted and tightened his grasp around xiao zhan neck, zhan who didn't struggle to break free started coughing.

"I didn't do it, i never tried to kill anyone." Zhan answered, he is not going to admit or accept something he hasn't done, he is innocent. Yibo was pulled back by the nurses who were nearby and it didn't take long before the doctor who was attending to meng to come out.

"His liver was completely destroyed and he needs a replacement immediately, in our hospital we don't have any matching liver that will be compatible to the patient." The doctor said, Wang yibo looked at xiao zhan who moved back.

"He has the exact blood group as my boyfriend, save my boyfriend now, have a part of his liver now." Yibo smirked and grabbed xiao zhan who was shaking his head with tears in his eyes.

"Yibo you can't do this to me, I'm pregnant now, it's my first trimester, if you do this, i might lose my baby." Zhan shouted while struggling to break free, he didn't stab meng, why should he risk is unborn baby's life for something he hasn't done.

"I don't care, a life for a life! Your going to pay with what you have done!" Yibo shouted and pushed xiao zhan forward and had his bodyguards stop xiao zhan from moving away.

"Wang yibo, it's our child, you really can't watch our baby getting killed, your the father of our unborn baby, please don't do this to me, i swear i didn't stab meng, he stabbed himself." Zhan begged, but Wang yibo didn't listen anything that xiao zhan has said.

"I don't care and I'm not the father of the so called unborn baby, doctor quickly perform the surgery." Yibo instructed without being fazed.

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