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Xiao zhan entered the car and saw the driver was actually his personal informant, the informant whose name is wen ning handed over the documents, xiao zhan was expecting someone else not his informant and vice president too of his business and he also works hand in hand whenever xiao zhan goes to missions assigned by the government. He is xiao zhans most loyal subordinate.

Xiao zhan went through the documents and his whole body trembled and the documents in his hands were dropped down, his parents might be his weakness, but his unborn baby will be the person who meant everything to him, he is the person who have him react and show his emotions, he is the person who will make him cry, laugh and be a  real mother of his child, it doesn't matter how heartless he was, how many people he killed, tortured, but when it comes to his baby who he thought he has died, he is going to be the most gentle.

Zhan touched his stomach and he didn't realise that he was crying, his baby really didn't die? Wang yibo though heartless saved his unborn baby, he really didn't kill his baby, he still let his baby live, xiao zhan didn't expect his own invention would actually save his baby, the baby wang yibo never regarded as his own and now he did everything to make sure he is safe, wen ning though surprised with his boss reaction, since this is the first time his boss has ever been emotional.

"Boss i will be taking you to the hospital to meet doctor Chris, i have already made an appointment." Wen ning said and started the car, xiao zhan wiped his tears away and nodded his head, he has to know and confirm if it's really Wang yibo who did all this and why he did it when xiao zhan knew Wang yibo hated him. Xiao zhan just as expected he found doctor Chris tied up by one of xiao zhan men who came here earlier, so this is the appointment his subordinate said, this is more like kidnapping, zhan sat down and motioned wen ning to release the doctor.

"Doctor I'm sorry about my bodyguards behaviour, i will teach them well, cutting the story short, I'm already aware of my baby being alive, tell me everything, the baby was mine, I have every right to know, but you and Mr yibo kept it a secret, please tell me why you as a professional, well qualified doctor kept it a secret from me, even after knowing that i have been suffering because I thought my baby was dead." Zhan started talking, the doctor was well aware what he did was wrong, as a professional doctor, what he has done could lead him to losing his job and licence.

"I know Mr xiao zhan, I'm very sorry, i was also feeling very guilty when I saw you whenever you came to meet me at the hospital, for the past one month after your surgery, i wanted to tell you everyday but I couldn't, i promised to keep it a secret since in a few months it will be your birthday, your husband wanted to tell you the good news, and i wanted to help your husband, he really loves you so much, i remember before i performed the surgery he urged and begged me to make sure your life and that of the baby is safe, he didn't want you to die, which was completely different with the way he behaved with you, he really is a nice person, and he honestly cares about you." Doctor Chris answered, zhan was somehow surprised, he has never celebrated his birthday for year's, because he has always been busy, he didn't expect Wang yibo could go as far as knowing his birthday and wanting to surprise him.

Zhan was somehow moved, just a little, it looks like yibo really cares about him.

"So the person who paid nine hundred million dollars just for the machine was Wang yibo?" Zhan asked, doctor Chris nodded his head, well money to him was nothing, but he just didn't expect someone like Wang yibo will want to spend such amount of money when he clearly hated him and the baby.

"You should go back home, yibo was very worried last night when someone was planning to kill the baby." The doctor said making xiao zhan to frown, he looked at wen ning who immediately came forward.

"Boss everything was written down, but you didn't finish reading, your husband ex boyfriend and an intern in this hospital, the intern leaked the news to meng." Wen ning reported, the doctor was surprised, he wondered how xiao zhan knew so much, now he wonders what kind of a person xiao zhan is,he really doesn't look so normal.

Xiao zhan got angry, anyone who dares touch his baby or even think of harming his baby will be dealt with him accordingly, he will not let anyone scot free, he immediately got up and left the doctors office.

"Boss we have already caught the intern mark, we are waiting for your order's." Wen ning added, though mark got arrested and was taken to the police station, xiao zhan men went to the police station and kidnapped mark, zhan has no time to deal with Mark.

"Do what you think is right, I'm going to deal with that good for nothing meng, also make sure to clean up the meng family, i warned that boy, but thought i was fooling around, destroy everything about them, let them know the consequences of poking in my life and business." Zhan instructed and left, wen ning left to accomplish his mission and xiao zhan decided to return back to Wang yibos house, zhan was nervous and excited especially imagining he is going to see his baby, the baby that he thought was dead is actually alive and kicking.

"Baby wait for me, mommy is coming to see you." Zhan whispered with his trembling voice, the smile on his face, made him really happy.

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