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Yibo had the machine brought back to his house and placed in his room, then increased the security around the house, everything was done secretly and cleanly, yibo spent the whole night awake just making sure his baby was okay, he was able to get a glimpse of sleep the early hours of the morning, he woke up a bit late, making sure his baby is fine, yibo had a shower and decided to go see meng and deal with him accordingly, he will not anyone go so easily after threatening his baby boy life.

Yibo was about to go out when his friend who called him last night arrived, yibo wasn't expecting his friend to come to his house so early.

"What's with the sudden visit? You didn't even inform me." Wang yibo asked his friend who always act as a kid and somehow annoying, but once in a while he acts very smart just like last night, he really did a good thing.

"I came to settle scores with you! You never told us that you saved that kid, you kept everyone in our group in the dark!" Yibo friend shouted completely disappointed with his friend for keeping such a great secret from him and the others, yibo looked at the door to see his other friends, then rolled his eyes.

"What do i expect from a wide mouth like you! Telling you is no different from informing the media." Yibo said making lu bai to feel bullied, he is such a good friend, always supportive and now he is being regarded as a big mouth dude, so unfair.

"That's not so good of you, i never told anyone, just our friends no one else!" Lu bai defended himself.

"Can't you keep your mouth shut?" Yibo asked, lu bai touched his neck embarrassed.

" know my mouth feels itchy! If i will not say it, then my chest will feel suffocated! But you can't blame me! I helped you, if i wasn't at the club yesterday with my husband then you couldn't have known what your ex boyfriend was planning!" Lu bai who felt that he didn't do anything wrong answered and pouted, even if he told a few people, he still did a good deed right?.

Yibo rolled his eyes and welcomed his friends inside, yibo wanted to keep it a secret from everyone else, and tell everyone at the right time, but now it looks like theirs no need of keeping quite, after be found xiao zhan, he will tell him everything, he is not sure if xiao zhan will forgive him or hate him even more for keeping it a secret, maybe xiao zhan will really be disappointed in him. Yibo had his bodyguards catch meng and bring him to his house, and mark was arrested early that next morning for leaking confidential information when he himself knew it's a crime to check other people information without permission.

Yibos bodyguards broke inside meng apartment without permission, meng wasn't wasted last night and was still asleep, yibo bodyguards found meng asleep wearing only boxer's, they didn't bother wake meng up and have him dress up, they picked meng up and left his apartment, by the time meng woke up he was already forced inside the car, meng panicked, he has no idea who these people were, and they look so scary.

"Where are you taking me! Let me go!" Meng shouted and tried to force himself out of the car, but was immediately knocked out by one of the guards, half an hour later, yibo who was still chatting with his friends looked at his four bodyguards who were standing in front of him with meng on the floor still unconscious, yibo friends chuckled and were somehow surprised seeing the meng in front of them wearing only boxer's.

"Good job, you can go now." Yibo said pretending not to see his friends surprised expression, even seeing meng white smooth skin and beautiful long legs, didn't make Wang yibo feel anything, his mind is already preoccupied with his beautiful wife who is so hard to get and now wants to leave him forever because of what he has done.

"He is actually so beautiful Wang yibo, are you really sure you haven't reacted in any way." Lu bai who still doesn't believe that his friend has actually given up on meng and now chasing after the so called wife who clearly doesn't care about Wang yibo.

"What' are you doing! Stop touching!" Yibo shouted and pushed lu bai away who was touching a place he shouldn't, lu bai didn't mind getting pushed away.

"You really aren't hard, i really feel sad for meng, if my husband is to be as heartless as you, i will just jump off the building!" Lu bai said making everyone else sigh, really? How did they end up being friends with this fool, he really doesn't think before speaking, now they wonder what lu bai husband saw in this stupid boy and ended up marrying him.

"None of your business, if you try going overboard again, i will have your husband come pick you up." Yibo warned making lu bai to roll his eyes, they always think he is a fool but he is actually the smartest.

Xiao zhan on the other hand had a good night sleep, he woke up early and prepared breakfast for his friends who will also be coming over at jiang cheng place, though he is not a good cook but he will prepare something eatable. Zhan was about to serve breakfast when he was suddenly called by his close informant telling him to go back to Wang yibos house immediately but before that he has to meet the doctor who operated on him several months ago, zhan was somehow confused, he no longer has business with that doctor, his informant told him he will send him documents that will state every reason as to why he has to meet the doctor and talk to him before going to Wang yibos house.

Zhan left his friend house without informing his friend where he was going, zhan saw a car was already waiting for him outside jiang cheng house.

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