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"W-what a-are you trying to do Wang yibo? Let me go! Stop touching me!" Zhan shouted while struggling to break free. 

Wang yibo didn't release xiao zhan, rather he had xiao zhan lay down on the hospital bed, making the glass of water to splash on Wang yibos face, wetting the hospital gown he was wearing, yibo didn't mind that, he hovered on top of xiao zhan and caged xiao zhan hands which were pushing him away, above zhans head.

"Stop moving, though i can't see now, i can still your every movement, i just want to hold you, i can't do anything inappropriate to you as long as you stay still." Yibo said making xiao zhan who was struggling to grit his teeth in anger, the only person who he really couldn't defeat no matter how many tricks he tried to use, the blind Wang yibo seems to know his next movement even after he became blind, the martial arts he learnt seems not to work on Wang yibo at all.

"Let me go! People will misunderstand with the position we are in now." Zhan who was completely defeated and at Wang yibos mercy answered, yibo smirked making xiao zhan to get even more angry, just because your stronger than me and knows my next movement like you have thought me martial arts doesn't give him the right to give this expression, just imagining what he will do to him, zhan took a deep breath to calm down, he shouldn't be very angry, it's not worth it.

"We are married couple, there's nothing wrong with this position, we are not doing anything out of the ordinary, even if they see us, no one will dare say anything to us." Yibo said rendering xiao zhan speechless, this pervert even have the audacity to say such a shameless thing!.

"Its just a marriage by name, nothing serious, the reason for me to  admit that I'm actually married to you is already gone, you killed my baby and i no longer regard this relationship as serious it was before, right now we are nothing, because i xiao zhan hate you to the core." Zhan answered his voice containing pure pain, yibo didn't seem to be affected with xiao zhan words, rather he smiled.

"If i have the ability to bring back the thing that you lost, will your hate turn to love, just like me that i have already fallen in love with you and i want to possess you, own you and make you mine, have you belong to me only." Yibo said and lowered his head to kiss xiao zhan, but zhan looked away, making Wang yibo to kiss zhans cheek, zhan was somehow confused with wang yibos word's one talking about bringing back his unborn baby, even if he invented machines that could save people like him, his baby could have been saved, because the machine he invented is so advanced that even if it's just a zygote that has been formed and maybe an accident happened to the mother, the zygote or already formed baby will be saved and the machine will nurture the baby just like a uterus, if he could have presented his inventions earlier, then his unborn baby could have been alive now.

"I'm not a tool to be owned! I don't love you! And you will never bring back my baby that you heartlessly killed! I really hate you and resent you, i will never forgive you for what you have done to me!" Zhan shouted, but was forced by Wang yibo to face , , yibo caressed xiao zhan face, down to his lips, lowering his face, yibo claimed xiao zhan lips for a kiss, zhan tried to struggle but no matter how hard he tried, he was like he was frozen where he was, his lips felt numb with how roughly Wang yibo was kissing his lips, zhan closed his eyes and returned the kiss, yibo seeing xiao zhan has stopped resisting, he released xiao zhan hands, zhan wrapped his hands around Wang yibos neck, making sure Wang yibo let his guard down and was immersed with the kiss, zhan gathered his remaining energy and kicked Wang yibo, making yibo to fall down from the bed.

"You bastard! Dared to assault me when your even blind! You Pervert! Using your power to take advantage of me! You deserve that kick! If you dare touch me again, then forget about me taking care of you!" Zhan warned while looking at Wang yibo who was clutching his stomach which was hurting because of the kick.

"So heartless, i didn't expect you to be so strong and plotting to destroy my abdominal organs, please pity this blind man." Yibo said pitifully making xiao zhan to roll his eyes, pity him? That won't happen! He deserves that kick! Kissing him without his consent! His first kiss was taken away by this pervert! His virginity and first kiss gone! But honestly speaking of that, he subconsciously loved the kiss, Wang yibos lips, felt so compatible against his lips, he somehow loved it and maybe happen again, but zhan immediately brushed away such thoughts!.

"You deserve it!" Zhan answered and touched his lips which were slightly swollen and his ears and face turned crimson red, and his heart felt a little bit itchy.

Xiao zhan received a call from his trusted subordinate and detective who informed him of the meng uncle movements, zhan really wanted to destroy Wang yibo completely and get back at him, but then thinking about it, yibo has been honest and very hardworking, he will get his revenge in another way, but not destroy something that he has worked for year's.

"I'm going to help you this time, you really owe me big time." Zhan whispered and made a call to some people who knew. Finishing the calls, zhan returned back to the hospital room, he saw Wang yibo seated and eating whatever xiao zhan bought him earlier. Zhan made sure to stop any calls concerning work, he made sure Wang yibo not to know what is happening in his company, zhan had his subordinates do everything to make sure everything is in order.

"I can see even a blind man can eat without any problems, so greedy." Zhan said sarcastically, yibo laughed lightly and continued to eat.

"It looks like your deputy president appointed to temporarily manage my business can be trusted." Yibo told xiao zhan who smiled.

"My subordinates are trustworthy and very hardworking, you can depend on them without being worried. I've already packed everything, let's go back home."  Zhan said proudly, those useless shareholders who were bought by meng uncle were just so useless, betraying their own boss, so useless, working with such people is just so terrible.

Xiao zhan carried the bag that his and Wang yibos clothes, he held Wang yibos hand to make sure he is safe, zhan talked with wang yibos secretary, instructing him on what to do, within a week, zhan is sure to hear some good news, so theirs no need of being worried.

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