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Xiao zhan and Wang yibo life went on well, their son who was already two months old and very healthy, both of xiao zhan and Wang yibo relationship became better, though they haven't taken it to the next step, xiao zhan had meng uncle pay his karma, he has really done a lot of unforgivable thing's, let it be murder, fraud or anything that is heinous, meng uncle has done it, and xiao zhan will never keep someone like that alive, he personally killed him, well he has killed a lot of people and it wasn't really a big deal killing someone else, xiao zhan had meng have a final look at his already dead uncle, before taking meng to a place he will never leave, he will forever leave in misery, xiao zhan didn't really care and Wang yibo let xiao zhan do what he wants, he never said a word.

"My baby boy is already clean and full, he didn't disturb mommy a lot today, he is such a good boy." Zhan who has finally dressed wangxian who was about said lovingly, though wangxian is playful, but he still loves to cry, xiao zhan doesn't mind his baby boy crying, but then sometimes it is too much for him, because he doesn't get enough rest.

Wang yibo left for the past three weeks now, he has some business to do in the states, zhan took a picture of his asleep son then sent it to Wang yibo.


Minutes later xiao zhan received a text message from Wang yibo, reading what Wang yibo has written, zhan couldn't prevent himself from smiling, for the past five months, yibo has shown that he really loves him, and xiao zhan is really happy with w...

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Minutes later xiao zhan received a text message from Wang yibo, reading what Wang yibo has written, zhan couldn't prevent himself from smiling, for the past five months, yibo has shown that he really loves him, and xiao zhan is really happy with wang yibo, he accepted to give Wang yibo a chance in their relationship, but then Wang yibo travelled the same day he finally recognised Wang yibo as his husband.

Xiao zhan chatted with wang yibo for sometime, then decided to rest before his son could wake up, zhan slept immediately the moment he lied down on bed, zhan didn't know when Wang yibos mother came to the new house Wang yibo bought and they moved few day's later after wangxian was weaned off from the machine, the house is big and has everything, xiao zhan really loved the house, the monitor didn't go off, so xiao zhan didn't wake up, by the time he was awake, zhan found yibos mother was feeding wangxian who was already awake.

"Aunty your here, i didn't know your coming today." Zhan said while smiling, yibos mother waved his hand.

"I came to see my grandson, just look at you now, you don't allow anyone to take care of this troublemaker, i will stay here for few days and you will just rest, also stop calling me aunty, I am your mother." Yibo mother answered, zhan nodded his head, he didn't allow any nanny to take care of his son, he volunteered to take care of his son himself, since he is not sure if those nannies will really take good care of his son without him being worried, he stopped working for the government after his son was weaned off from the machine, he decided to be a full time mother for his son, until he has fully grown before going back to work.

"Thank you mom, you really don't have to, i can still manage to take care of my son, I'm still very young and energetic." Zhan answered, zhan talked with his mother in law who was feeding wangxian who looked so adorable and wasn't causing trouble, he became a good boy unlike when he is alone with his mommy.

Xiao zhan played with the baby who looks at his mother, then giggle from time to time while moving his little hands and legs, like he understood what xiao zhan was talking about.

"Did your husband tell you when he will be coming back? That unfilial boy didn't even call me even once since he travelled." Yibo mom complained, zhan was surprised he talks with wang yibo almost every day, sometimes he can talk with wang yibo for like two hours, he didn't expect Wang yibo didn't speak with his parents since he travelled.

"Well...i think he must be busy, he told me he will be gone for six weeks, he has three more weeks before he will come back, but he still said, as long as he will finish up his work early, he will come back." Zhan who decided not to admit that he speaks with wang yibo everyday, he is sure Wang yibo will be scolded, but he will have to tell Wang yibo to speak with his parents once in a while.

"Let me prepare dinner, today i will show you how my cooking is just so great, that's why my husband has never thought of cheating." Yibo mother bragged, zhan just laughed, Wang yibo loves his cooking too, that's why theirs no chef in their new home, because he is such a great cook, only thrice a week some maids will come to clean the house and do any other thing that they will be needed to do. Xiao zhan is not worried and will never be worried of his husband cheating, because he really trust him, having such a perfect husband, what's more should he ask for?.

Zhan and Wang yibos mother had dinner, since yibos mother volunteered to take care of the baby, xiao zhan had free time to speak with wang yibo, having a shower, getting dressed up, zhan knew Wang yibo must be free. Zhan was about to call Wang yibo when yibo himself video called him, zhan smiled seeing Wang yibo.

'I was about to call you, wangxian is as with your mother now, she is putting little wangxian to sleep.' Zhan said sounding so happy now that he has time to speak with his husband without getting disturbed with his son.

'With the way your smiling, you seem to be so excited talking to me, my dear wifey tell me, will you let me, you know have you, just look at this, your husband is suffering." Yibo answered and had xiao zhan look at his boner, zhan lips twitched.

'We....we can talk about that when you come back.' Zhan stuttered while blushing, he can still regard himself as a virgin right? His first time, well he didn't even have any idea of what was happening because he unconscious, he didn't even know how sex feels, if he is to do it again when he is sober, he will know how it feels like and he will regard thay as his first time and first night of being legally married.

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