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Oh then what should i do to make my dear husband to stop being angry?" Zhan who was being sarcastic asked, yibo didn't mind even though he knew xiao zhan was being sarcastic.

"Are you really sure you can do anything that i want, just for this husband to forgive you?" Yibo asked.

Zhan mouth twitched several times with wang yibos question, he is clearly acting smart and he thinks that he will fall in his trap, he is no naive boy to be played around.

"With the way your talking, i wonder if you're really blind or maybe you have already regained your eyesight." Zhan answered and rolled his eyes, wang yibo chuckled, he really wished to regain his eyesight sooner so that he could go back to work, but then at the same time he wants to be taken care of by xiao zhan, the man he has recently fallen in love, now he is not sure why he hated and blamed xiao zhan for forcing to marry him, when in reality xiao zhan is all sweet and lovable, a perfect partner, in Wang yibos perspective xiao zhan is a saint.

"With how I'm so in love with you, i will not mind pretending to be blind." Yibo said making xiao zhan to face palm, what's so good about pretending to be blind? And Wang yibo words, everyday he keeps saying he loves him, can't he even for a single day get tired and stop saying that he loves him?.

"Its now boring, you keep saying i love you, i love you, i already told you i will never love a man like you who killed my unborn baby. .i will never love a murderer!" Zhan who got Wang yibos clothes from the wardrobe said and threw the clothes on Wang yibos face before turning around to calm himself down and stop himse from getting emotional, no one in his right senses will ever love a man who kills his own child, an innocent child who had a chance of seeing this beautiful world and be a great person in future, but his dreams were cut short by a heartless and vicious person! And that person is claiming to love him! Is that really love? Or he is just making fun of him or maybe he doesn't even know what love is!.

"I'm sorry." Yibo who kept quite and lowered his head feeling all guilty and sighed in sadness, it's really his fault, even if xiao zhan really stabbed his ex boyfriend meng, but then he really went too far and risked another persons life, but still at that he was really worried just like any other person, his boyfriend life at that time was on the line and he wasn't thinking straight, but then he almost  did something so unforgivable.

"You're sorry won't change anything, my precious baby is already dead, there's no need for you to apologise, forget about that, let's get you cleaned up." Zhan who put his emotions under check said while smiling, yibo was speechless, he didn't know what to say and just let xiao zhan help him. No one said a word, zhan helped yibo shower, dress up and helped him eat dinner.

"If you need anything just call me, don't walk about and hurt yourself, i have some work to take care of, I am seated at the sitting room." Zhan told Wang yibo, going back to his room, zhan got his laptop and necessary documents, then headed directly to the sitting room, instructing a maid who was nearby to prepare a coffee for him, zhan started doing his work, an hour passed when zhan heard the doorbell ring, zhan motioned a bodyguard to open the door and meng immediately walked inside.

Xiao zhan was somehow surprised, he somehow expected meng will come again but not so soon, stopping what he was doing, zhan took a sip of his coffee then looked at meng who was looking at him.

"I didn't expect you to come back so soon, aren't you to tired of causing trouble all the time?" Zhan asked meng with a smirk on his face, meng rolled his eyes, not in the moods to argue with xiao zhan, he came here to see his boyfriend Wang yibo, not to argue with xiao zhan.

"I don't have time for you, i came here to see and talk with my boyfriend." Meng answered making xiao zhan to laugh sarcastically.

"I already told you the man you call boyfriend is my husband, or maybe you have found someone else? I'm curious, is it one of my husbands bodyguards? Gardener or maybe the maids?" Zhan sarcastic words made meng to be angry and his heart felt sour.


"What me? I asked you a simple question, oh or maybe whoever your chasing isn't interested interested you and you want my help, all the worker's here listen to me, I'm very much available to help you meng." Zhan added, meng lifted his hand to slap xiao zhan but his hand was stopped by xiao zhan.

"This is so bad, i meant well and you want to slap me, did i say something wrong?"

"Stop it! I've heard enough of your stupidity! I'm no longer interested with your mind games! Let my hand go, i will go check my boyfriend now!" Meng shouted and tried to pry out of xiao zhan grasp but strangely enough even though xiao zhan looked so weak, but strangely enough meng isn't his opponent.

"I won't let you go see my husband and seduce him, you hurt him and made him blind, have you not hurt him enough, as his wife, i should have dealt with you for hurting him, but then here I am, talking to you like your my good friend, and if my husband is to come here whom do you think he will choose?"

"You don't have to answer, because my dear husband who has been confessing his love to me every single day will choose me, rich, beautiful, independent and the mother of his future kids, Mr meng please leave, I'm a very jealous wife, over possessive of his husband, I'm madly in love with my husband, and i don't share what belongs to me, please leave and don't bother us." Zhan added and motioned the bodyguards to see meng out, zhan wasn't bothered with meng shouting, sitting down on his seat zhan laughed, jealous? Madly in love? Possessive? He will never dream being so pathetic, nothing like that could happen to him!.

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