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Luckily they didn't have sex, else xiao zhan could have regret for his whole life, zhan knew he must keep a distance from Wang yibo, he will only help with the most important things and nothing else, xiao zhan justified his doings, he is a man and men if provoked specially he will surely reaction,it means that his body is functioning very well, if someone else wasn't in his place, he will surely reaction the way he did, so it's not so surprising that something like that happened.

Waking up the second day, zhan didn't have the courage to see or help Wang yibo remembering what has actually happened the night before, he still couldn't accept the fact that he actually behaved the way he did, he wasn't in love with Wang yibo or anything but then those pictures of him shamelessly moaning and even returned the kiss when Wang yibo kissed him made him to really scold himself over and over again,he didn't even sleep well, black lines could be seen around his eyes clearly stating that he didn't sleep well.

"It's all that pervert fault that i didn't get my beauty sleep!" Zhan complained while pouting,if someone was to see him now especially his subordinates who were used to their boss being so strict and rarely smiles and now he is being so cute especially with those pouty lips. Zhan was immersed with his complaint's when his door was suddenly knocked.

"Who are you?" Zhan who was somehow annoyed shouted, the person at the door hesitated for a while before she finally answered.

"Sir master yibo refused any maid to attend to him if it's not you, he said he will rather die than have anyone help him." The maid at the door answered making xiao zhan to slightly frown,that bastard really is impossible, does that mean he didn't even go to the rest room to relieve himself since morning until now.

"I didn't expect that pervert to throw a tantrum like a kid! What kind of a husband did i get married to? If this continues then I will think I'm actually the husband and he is the wife!" Zhan whispered and got up from wherever he was, opening his room door he saw the maid still standing, the maid respectfully bowed her head.

"You can go, I will take everything from here." Zhan said and decided to just ignore his embarrassment, good thing Wang yibo will not see his blushing face, and will pretend not to remember about what happened.

Xiao zhan didn't speak much, and Wang yibo who was smiling like a fool caught xiao zhan hand's that were buttoning Wang yibos shirt.

"Release me!" Zhan gritted his teeth in anger, yibo didn't let go, rather he used his free hand to pull Zhan closer to him by his waist, with how Wang yibo was smiling Zhan had a bad premonition.

"About last night, I really didn't mean it,but honestly i enjoyed every bit of it, my dear wifie you just don't know how much i felt last night, your just so good that I've become even more hungry." Yibo who lowered his head, then whispered in xiao zhan ear, then nibbled xiao zhan earlobe making xiao zhan to tremble, zhan knew better today he is not going to entertain xiao zhan nonsense, he is going to deal with wang yibo accordingly without pity.

"I will make you feel even much better you Pervert!" Zhan shouted and kicked Wang yibo balls hard for wang yibo to immediately release xiao zhan and hold his balls in pain while kneeling down, zhan sneered, just because last night he by mistake did something shameless and Wang yibo thought that today will happen just like last night.

"Y-you." Yibo stuttered, with how he was in pain he couldn't even speak properly with how it hurts, zhan was satisfied with what he has done, this way Wang yibo will surely behave and not do what he wants, Wang yibo thinks he is so easy, he really must be so soft for Wang yibo to be so shameless.

"That's not enough, if you try it next time, trust me i will make you a eunuch, this way atleast your brain will be safer because nothing will be standing straight shamelessly!" Zhan said and stomped out of the room, he just couldn't believe Wang yibo to behave a beast! He even have the courageous to try and repeat what he did last night.

Two months later

If xiao zhan didn't lose his baby, then he might already be five months pregnant going to six, right now he could have known the gender of his unborn baby, Wang yibo regained his sight one month ago, xiao zhan as promised did everything that was within his power to protect Wang yibos business, the meng family didn't have the guts to try and go against xiao zhan who seems very mysterious, no matter what meng uncle tries so as to get to know xiao zhan better, he still couldn't find anything about him, and whenever he tries to do anything he will be suppress immediately like someone was watching his every movement.

Both Wang yibos and xiao zhan parents will be returning in a week, zhan returned Wang yibos post back to him a week ago, since zhan kicked Wang yibos balls, zhan kept a distance and Wang yibo didn't try anything, zhan planned to divorce Wang yibo once his parents returns, he is not going to involve himself with wang yibo in any way, even if Wang yibo is deeply in love with him and head over heals with him, he will still leave him, he doesn't care how much Wang yibo will be heartbroken, it's none of his business.

Wang yibo visited the hospital today and met the doctor who performed the surgery on xiao zhan, they talked for quite some time before the two walked into a private room, yibo was left alone and he stayed for over an hour before finally coming out, zhan knew of wang yibos frequent visits at the hospital, but he didn't bother to know the reason, well even if he knew, then he knew for sure that it will not benefit him in any way.

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