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Xiao zhan talked with wang yibo for hours, and he even ended up somehow helping Wang yibo who was having a boner to relieve himself via the phone, and people might be wondering how he did that, well it's embarrassing enough for xiao zhan to even think about that!. It's better to just forget about that! He will never think of that shameless thing that he did! He even ended up dreaming about that! If he had the capability, he will surely delete that!.

Waking up the second day, zhan had breakfast with wang yibo mother, zhan didn't do anything, since wangxian was already fed and bathed, little wangxian was happily playing without any troubles.

"Mother i have some business to do outside, i will have to trouble you to look after wangxian." Zhan said, he has to visit that boy called mark, he has already destroyed his career, he will no longer be the doctor he has always wanted to be, maybe having  mark and meng to be together won't be such a bad idea.

"Its no trouble, wangxian is my dear grandson, i will take good care of him! You go do what you want to do! Wangxian is safe and comfortable with me." Yibo mom answered and shooed xiao zhan away, zhan smiled, getting his car keys, zhan left, he didn't drive for long, within half an hour, he has already arrived where he was going.

"Boss you finally came to see us, we thought you forgot about us." One of xiao zhan men that he used to lead said while smiling, zhan just sighed, of course he won't just leave without meeting his group that he has worked together for year's, they're like his brothers of course he will have to visit them once in a while.

"I'm no longer your boss, Wen ning is your new boss, you have respect him and listen to his orders just like you used to listen to me." Zhan just as usual answered.

"We understand boss! But you will always be our boss! Nothing will change, in our eyes your always our leader!" The group of fifteen people including wen ning who is appointed to lead the group said in unison, zhan has no other choice but to just accept.

"Fine, fine you guy's can do what you want, but always remember safety and unity comes first, we eliminate danger, but that doesn't mean we have to risk our lives, we are human beings with heart, if you can't do something alone, then always ask for help, we work together, unity is power, well with that said, i hope you have already brought mark, let him reunite with his good friend meng, meng must really lonely living in the unknown island.

Mark was immediately brought in front of xiao zhan, the young boy was beyond scared and was trembling all over.

"Please don't kill me! I will do anything you will tell me to, as long as you let me go." Mark begged, zhan who was seated chuckled, he really is such a timid boy, opposite of how a real man could behave.

"I'm not going to kill you, i have a soft spot for handsome guy's like you, meng has been so lonely for months, then i remembered he had a good friend who will keep him company instead of dying, how about accompanying meng and living together forever." Zhan said while smiling, though his smile didn't reach his eyes, Mark who heard that he won't be killed kowtowed to xiao zhan several times, if not for one of xiao zhan men stop him, then he might end up having a head injury.

"Thank you so much!" Mark who was grateful thanked, zhan couldn't help but laugh.

"Fine, fine hey take him where meng is, also don't think of trying to run because you will surely die, the place you will be is the safest but still the most dangerous when you try to act smart, you will not know what will kill you, if you think I'm bluffing and only trying to scare you can try, your friend meng lost one of his hand, because he thought i was joking." Zhan said and got up to leave, zhan talked with wen ning for sometime before leaving, going to a mall, he bought some groceries and other things that were needed at the house, he also bought more formulated milk for little wangxian.

Zhan didn't go directly back home, first he visited his parents, greeted them, spent some time with them before going back home, he found his mother in law and little wangxian sleeping peacefully, little wangxian opened his eyes and looked at xiao zhan, zhan couldn't help but coo, he took wangxian and left his mother in law sleep alone.

"My good boy knew mommy is back and woke up, such a sweetheart, let mommy change your diaper." Zhan said lovingly making wangxian to giggle like he understood what his mommy has said, zhan took care of his baby boy, feeding him, zhan played with little wangxian.

Wang yibo decided to surprise xiao zhan, his work finished earlier than usual and tonight he will surely be sleeping beside his beautiful wife, he decided not to let him know of his sudden return, he will have to surprise him, he is really curious to see xiao zhan reaction when he sees him, it must be priceless.

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