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The doctor didn't move, rather he stood where he was, he really respected Wang yibo, but now hearing him talking about operating someone else without consent and endangering an unborn baby's life, that is something his team and he himself will not do.

"Sir i can't do that, that's against ethics and my profession, without his consent or proper checkup, i can't perform the surgery." The doctor immediately refused, he used to respect Wang yibo, but now he really has doubts, he is not going to perform the surgery no matter what happens.

"Do you dare defy my order, if you want to save your pathetic life and that of your family, you better go in there and start the operation now! My boyfriend life is in danger and needs to be cured!" Yibo shouted, zhan looked at Wang yibo then at the doctor who was confused and was not sure what to do.

"Doctor perform the surgery, it's not a problem, i will sacrifice my life and that of my unborn baby to save mengs life, you don't have to beg him." Xiao zhan said surprising both Wang yibo and the doctor.

"Sir you can't, it's not worth it, just think this through, i will not do such a thing,  it's against my profession." The doctor said, but zhan ignored him, walking towards the operating room, zhan took off his shirt and layed down on the operating table, the doctors who were present had no choice but to go on with the operation since no matter how much they tried to talk to xiao zhan to change his mind, zhan insisted on performing the surgery. Zhan touched his slightly protruding stomach one last time and closed his eyes, a tear left his eye, the surgery went well, but xiao zhan lost his baby and he survived and mengs life was also saved.

Yibo visited his boyfriend who was already transferred to his ward and was awake.

"Thank God your okay, i was very worried and i couldn't sleep well." Yibo who was finally happy his boyfriend was okay said, meng smiled and nodded his head.

"I'm fine, you don't have to be worried, you look tired, you should rest too." Meng answered with a smile on his face, he felt very satisfied, he heard the some nurses talk about xiao zhan, it seems like he had a major surgery too and he lost the baby, meng felt so satisfied and he could have been more happier if xiao zhan could have died too, just like what he wanted, killing the unborn baby and he did it, his plan went perfectly well, yibo really believed xiao zhan stabbed him, he needs to celebrate for his victory after he has fully recovered.

Xiao zhan woke up not long after and saw the doctor who tried to protect him beside him.

"I'm so sorry, do you want to call your family?" The doctor askew xiao zhan who shook his head, he lost his baby, the baby he had plans for, he knew Wang yibo was upto something when he had xiao zhan parents and his parents travel to the states in the name of having fun and just to relax, he just didn't expect Wang yibo will want to kill his unborn baby, he just didn't expect meng and Wang yibo could play such dirty tricks.

"I'm alone for now and i want to have sometime alone, thank you doctor for caring, please excuse me." Zhan answered and closed his eyes, he is not going to cry even if it hurts, he is not a cry baby, he will have a proper burial for the death of his unborn baby, zhan was sure his baby could have been a great person, but then his life was cut short by his own father, such a person doesn't deserve to be happy, he needs to suffer for the whole of his life, he deserves to rot in hell, he even lowered his dignity and begged him not to kill his unborn baby, but he didn't, he still instructed the doctor to perform the surgery, zhan who has never begged anyone before, begged for once, but still his unborn baby died, it really hurts so badly.

With xiao zhan unstable emotions, he had to be sedated again, since his condition seems to get even more worse, weeks passed meng got discharged from the hospital, but xiao zhan who still hasn't let go of his unborn baby death was forced to stay to the hospital, wang yibo never visited xiao zhan even once and zhan didn't tell anyone about what happened to him, not even his friends.

Xiao zhan wound healed well, everytime he looked at the mark on his abdomen, he will remember how Wang yibo in one way or the other killed his unborn baby, he is the cause of his suffering, and he is not going to forgive him for this.

"How does it feel losing that good for nothing child you called your baby and you were so proud that you kept bragging? You used to smile so arrogantly, but now what happened? Where is your smile?" Meng who came to find xiao zhan who decided to hold just a small funeral alone for his baby whom he didn't get to see or meet, zhan ignored meng and continued to do whatever he was doing.

"I didn't expect my boyfriend to be so caring and considerate, with just how he is so much in love with me, he even believed that you tried to kill me, xiao zhan you really don't know whom your dealing with, if i were you, i could have quit before getting even more hurt, by the way a toast to you, congratulations for finally losing the baby, it feels so great." Meng added and started laughing while drinking a bottle of vodka, zhan shoulders trembled and he gritted his teeth in anger, but he didn't say a word, he is just so upset and sad now that he couldn't speak.

Meng mocked xiao zhan to his satisfaction before he finally left, zhan used a nearby tree for support so that he couldn't fall down, before he finally started crying silently.

"Why do i have to lose you so early? Are you going to hate me for making such a terrible decision? I didn't have any other choice and now i just don't know what to do, i feel so broken. It's so real, i lost you forever baby, but mommy will make everyone who caused your death to pay." Zhan said and wiped his tears away, he just didn't expect someone could go as far as risking his own life just to get back at someone, he is not a forgiving person, he is going to make those two pay for forcing him to lose his baby.

Wang yibo on the other hand for the past one week, he has been thinking about what he has done, his consciousness has been haunting him for day's, he knew whatever he did was wrong, he shouldn't have forced xiao zhan to undergo the operation when he was pregnant, the painful expression of xiao zhan when he was begging him and he finally accepted to undergo the surgery, yibo seems to recall everything, and it is really disturbing him, but at that time he was really worried and scared of losing his boyfriend and wanting to punish xiao zhan for trying to kill his boyfriend, and he didn't think of the consequences.

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