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By the time wangxian slept off, Wang yibo checked the time and realised that it is already five in the morning, staying awake for hours, not having fun with his beautiful wife, no he was taking care of a kid who decided not to listen to his father or be an understanding man like his dad, rather he had blue balls the whole night!.

"We will have a talk after you're awake, you can't treat your fellow man like this." Yibo said while looking at his son who smiled in his sleep like he was mocking Wang yibo or having a good dream, yibo looked at his smiling son one last time and walked out, going back to his room, he joined xiao zhan in bed, spooned the still asleep xiao zhan and closed his eyes to sleep.

Zhan suddenly opened his eyes remembering that he slept the whole night and didn't hear his baby cry, that's impossible, if her mother in law was here then that could explain why wangxian didn't cry, but her mother in law left last night, and the most worrisome thing is his son was sleeping on the same bed with him, he didn't crush his little boy right?. Zhan tried to get up, but felt someone hugging him from behind and whoever it was was sleeping comfortably, and he can clearly tell it's Wang yibo, but how did Wang yibo come back so early when he has more than two weeks before finishing his work. Zhan was able to remove Wang yibo hand from his waist, sitting down he saw Wang yibo sleeping deeply, he looks so exhausted, if he is not mistaken wangxian must have kept Wang yibo awake almost the whole night, that's why he didn't hear any cries from his baby, zhan was happy, having a responsible and caring husband, getting up, zhan checked his baby in his room and found him sleeping soundly and comfortably, zhan kissed his son and went to do his morning business and prepared breakfast, but then he ate alone since he didn't want to disturb Wang yibo who looks so tired, he needs to have enough rest and regain his energy back.

Both wangxian and Wang yibo woke up in the afternoon at the same time, zhan took care of the gloomy wangxian who seems to be moody the moment he woke up.

"What's up with you baby? You don't even want me to put you down, okay your highness, mommy will do whatever you want, carry you as long as you want." Zhan said and sat down with wangxian in his arms, yibo was having a bath and will soon be coming downstairs for late breakfast, zhan had the chef prepare something for Wang yibo since wangxian doesn't want to leave xiao zhan arms.

"I can see that your concentrating with wangxian and not bothered about your husband." Yibo who was now seated beside xiao zhan joked while looking at his son who was fully awake, his little hands grabbing xiao zhan shirt afraid xiao zhan might leave him the next second.

"He woke up being moody and doesn't let me put him down, he is still young but very smart, using his zero point one strength holding my shirt preventing me from putting him down." Zhan answered feeling so proud of his son, he is still young and already behaving like a mature man, zhan poked his son cheek gently making wangxian to giggle happily, yibo mouth twitched, this kid seems to have some hidden agenda, first letting him be awake the whole night, and now behaving all possessive not letting xiao zhan haven't some peace!.

"No hug, no kiss, my dear didn't you miss me?" Yibo who moved even closer to xiao zhan asked, his eyes assessing xiao zhan tempting lips, zhan smacked Wang yibo head making wangxian to giggle.

"Our baby is here, you can't say such. ...mmm." Zhan didn't finish speaking when yibo claimed his lips for a kiss, zhan couldn't struggle since his son was still in his arms, wangxian wasn't bothered with what was happening as long as his mommy will carry him, then they can do whatever they want, it's none of his business.

Zhan was caught off guard, he took sometime before he finally returned the kiss, it's been long since he kissed Wang yibo and he really missed his husband, kissing for few minutes, yibo broke the kiss and started caressing xiao zhan face.

"If not for wangxian, then i could have continued, i want you so bad." Yibo said and breathed heavily, zhan felt Wang yibos urges and he blushed, he really couldn't do anything, choosing between his son who needs him now and a man who is horny, he will quickly without thinking choose his son, his adorable baby boy who is very little and needed to be taken care of.

"My son needs his mommy now, i can't be of any help." Zhan answered and walked away with his son, yibo didn't know what to say, he just went to the dining room ate his food and started thinking way's of getting his son behave so that he could do what he wants to his wife.

Later that day, Wang yibo finally managed to get what he has been desiring for months, xiao zhan on the other hand regretted his big mouth for ever saying he will talk about the issue once Wang yibo is back, and unexpectedly this pervert came the second day without informing anyone, his husband is just so shameless, choosing between work and eating him, he is one hundred percent sure Wang yibo will choose eating him, though it felt good, but it was too painful, he felt like he was being torn into two.

One year later

Xiao zhan and Wang yibo relationship improved a lot, their love for each other grew, they respect each other and forgot all the hurtful and unpleasant happenings that happened before, meng and his accomplice were never heard again, the family has no threat, the only threat is xiao zhan friends who were forbidden from visiting xiao zhan when Wang yibo is not around, each passing month made Wang yibo to be more jealous, xiao zhan talked about this issue but failed.

Wangxian grew up to be a handsome little boy and very playful, he is very social and get along with everyone. Zhan was satisfied with his current life, a perfect and happy family and a husband who is madly in love with him, his hate ended up melting away and turned to love.

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