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Wang yibo was in good moods, even his secretary who was suddenly informed that they were going back to China that same day realised that his boss was very happy that day, the Secretary thought for a while wondering and immediately realised the only person who could make his boss this happy is none other but that beautiful man his boss married, he is the reason his boss has become nicer these days and talks to his employees nicely unlike before, though he doesn't smile, because his smile belongs to that beautiful man only.

The Secretary booked the flight back to China and the two within two hours, they were already in the air going back to China, wangxian on the other hand seems to be so energetic and playful that day, he couldn't sleep at all  but rather he was busy giggling like something great is about to happen.

"My good boy, a child needs to sleep, c'mon go to sleep alright." Zhan who was carrying his son said, wangxian who was looking at his mommy giggled, maybe finding whatever his mommy has said is funny.

Xiao zhan and his mother in law tried everything they could think of to make wangxian sleep, but all their ways failed, after playing for hours, wangxian finally slept around five in the evening, zhan felt like crying, this brat must be planning on stressing him at night, if he sleeps now then it means late at night he is going to stress him, crying his lungs out and not letting him have a peaceful sleep.

"You really are smart enough sleeping now you smart boy!" Zhan said and tapped wangxian little feet making wangxian to open his teary and whimpered like he was bullied, a second didn't pass before he bursted into tears like he was pinched, zhan sighed and picked the crying wangxian and tried to calm him.

"There, there it's my mommy's fault, annoying my asleep baby boy, you can sleep now, mommy won't cause trouble again." Zhan said and wiped wangxian tears away, Wangxian calmed down and closed his eyes to sleep, but made sure to hide his little foot inside the trouser he was wearing and snored softly in his mommy' arms.

"That was close." Zhan whispered and placed the asleep wangxian in his cot. Checking some reports in his laptop, zhan got busy with his work, and when he checked the time, it was already time for dinner, checking on wangxian, he was still asleep, it looks like all the playing earlier made wangxian really tired, having dinner while chatting with wang yibo mother, it was a good time, having company to chat with when he is all alone is actually a good thing.

"My husband called, he is not feeling well, i will have to go back, but don't worry once he is better, i will come and keep you company." Yibo mother said.

"When will you be going back? Today?" Zhan asked, though he has already expected the answer. He was already getting used to living with his mother in law, it was actually fun, especially with someone who is so lively and full of stories.

"Yeah, a driver is going to pick me up, my dear son don't be worried, you take good care of my good grandson." Yibo mother said, it didn't take long before Wang yibo mother left, zhan since he had nothing to do, decided to change his son diaper, luckily he didn't wake up, zhan chose to sleep together with his son, this way he will know immediately if his son awake. Zhan showered and retired to bed beside his sleeping son, an hour didn't pass, the moment xiao zhan was about to fall asleep when wangxian opened his eyes and looked around only to see darkness. Wangxian looked around curiously, then put his fingers in his mouth and without crying suckled his fingers.

Wang yibo didn't take long before he arrived back to his house, going inside, the house was quite, meaning xiao zhan and the baby must be asleep, he first went to check on the baby, but he saw the room was empty, yibo guessed xiao zhan must be sleeping together with little wangxian, well that's no problem, he will take wangxian back to his room and then have fun with his beautiful wife. Going inside the dark room, yibo was invited with suckling sounds, yibo halted his steps, it couldn't be what he is thinking right? His wife has no milk! Even if he does, he must be the first one to taste bah! This brat is surely taking advantage of his beautiful wife! Isn't formulated milk more than enough for him!.

Yibo switched on the lamp beside the bed and saw little wangxian looking at him with his fingers still in his mouth, yibo smiled seeing his son being a good boy and not crying even though he was awake, yibo looked at xiao zhan and saw him peacefully sleeping, yibo though he was somehow tired, he picked up the awake wangxian and walked out, though he isn't crying, but it won't be long before he will start wailing, it's better to feed him now, so that he could sleep, and him, he will have a good and lonely time with his wife that he has missed, he knows the tiredness will dissappear as long as he will have a good satisfying time with his wife.

But yibo didn't expect wangxian to be awake and giggling after feeding him! He wondered what made wangxian to be awake, he didn't know that wangxian slept early and now he is finally awake and refreshed, yibo stayed with the awake wangxian for hours before he finally slept off, before he could even place him on his cot, wangxian opened his eyes like he wasn't sleeping before! Yibo gritted his teeth in anger, but couldn't curse wangxian since he is still a little child, people will think he is not aware of what he is doing! But Wang yibo thinks this kid is doing this intentionally so that he couldn't have a good time with xiao zhan, his journey back home seems unfruitful and his plans failed and the person who caused this is none other but wangxian! Shouldn't he know his elders has something very important to do!.

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