chapter 6 double shock

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Third person pro.

Zhan....... Zhan........ Please lestin to me Xuan is calling him cantinusly.

But zhan didn't gave any response he only repitedly telling that he will not going to meet anyone he is not interested.

Don't behave like child zhan you are not a kid anymore and please zhan lestin to me you have to go and meet Yibo it's compulsory. " Xuan said to zhan

No ......... No... No.... I'm not going anywhere Xuan I don't want to accept this marriage. "Zhan said with distress face

See zhan I know that whatever happened in your childhood are with out your consent you don't have any idea about it but you only told me that Yibo is your friend and he is very nice boy and now Yibo also accept it while respecting their elders you also understand it give try for it may be you start to like him as your life partner, and it is your grandfather's Last wish that you marry to yibo you only told me in your childhood you love your grandfather more than anyone, now you want to disrespect your grandpa while denying his last wish? " Xuan asked him with questioning gaze.

But....... I can't accept him Xuan I only love.......... " Xiao zhan can't complete his words he felt very sad and guilty

I know zhan what you are saying I know that you only love Ziyi but don't forget that Ziyi is not yours now.

Zhan..... She already married to your younger brother Chang while staring him.

How can I forgot about her Xuan I can't........ Xuan I can't...... " Zhan said to him while a lonely tear roal down from his eyes.

Xuan went near to zhan No....... Zhan please don't cry said while he hugged his friend.

Leaving his friend he saw in his eyes while Wipe his tears see zhan what everything is happened back then is not your fault but if you reject Yibo with out giving any try to your relationship with Yibo it will be your fault now, please understand my words." Xuan said

After lestining Xuan zhan accept to meet Yibo and talk with him to give a chance to their relationship but still he is not happy and not ready for any relationship.

Nodding his head to Xuan he went from there drove his car to meet Yibo. While thinking deeply what happened few months back how his life became mess like this.

Few months back.

It's already one year happened for zhan became ceo of Xiao company zhan is waiting for Ziyi to complete her education he wants to confess his love towards Ziyi to her and propose about their marriage.

Ziyi and chang is studying in same year in college zhan Xuan and jiyang is sinior's of them for first time when he saw Ziyi in college freshers day from then on zhan fall for Ziyi he wants to confess his feelings to her but he fears to rejected by her so, he didn't try to tell her about his feelings, but in his college days Ziyi become a close friend to him he very happy that his love is also a good friend of him.

But last he decided to tell to Ziyi that he loves her after completion of his studies and he became CEO of Xiao CO. He message Ziyi to meet in xx restaurant he wants to tell something important matter to her.

As usually zhan came back from office to home he decided to meet today his love Ziyi and tell about his feelings he went straight into his room to fresh up and ware casual clothes and look himself in mirror now you looking great zhan he said himself while smiling like teenage girl.

but before he could go out to meet Ziyi he lestined his parents talking with each other about his marriage with Yibo, while passing to their room zhan frowned on their words he click the door went into their room and asked what are they talking about and why they told that he already married to Yibo, but when how it's possible he asked them.

Zhan is looking their parents with full of confusion he did not understand anything and both xiao couple is looking their son hesitantly whether to say about his marriage or not they are thinking deeply.

Then, zhan again asked them to tell the truth about his and Yibo marriage in stern voice.

Taking a long singh....... Xiao fengmin started the conversation and tell everything what happened in his childhood.

Zhan know Yibo as his father friend Qerin uncle son and also a good childhood friend but he never know about their marriage contract . He was full of shock after knowing everything he felt thounderstom on him his mind was totally blank and it's not working.

With out saying anything he went out from their room with blank face while thinking deeply. He directly went into his room again and lock it from inside then sat on his bed.

Agrhhhh............ He screemed loudly while rubbing his face with full of frustration.

What the hell was it he shout again with himself...

Taking a frustrated sign ...... No..... It's not possible I'm not going to accept it I love Ziyi yes, I only want her in my life I can't lose her because of this stupid marriage contract. Saying he went out of his room to meet Ziyi and tell his love for her as soon as possible.

But he could go out he saw Ziyi standing in his leaving room with Chang ( his younger brother) infront of his parents.

He went near them then he saw his mother hug both Chang and Ziyi with full of happiness. Then he turned towards his father who also smiling broadly while watching his brother and Ziyi he also went to them hug his brother while patting on his shoulder all the best my son and we are happy to know about your love he said to Chang , Zhan got confused by the situation infront of him

Then, chang saw his brother smiled zhan he called him. And other three members also turned towards zhan while maintaining broad smile on their faces.

Zhan look his parents with questioning gaze then bother I want to say something to you he said to zhan while coming towards him, zhan look back to his brother with excitement asked what it is chang.

Then Ziyi also came infront of Zhan and stand beside chang then he taking Ziyi hand on him he turned to zhan ge the actual matter that I want to tell you is that I and Ziyi love each other from one year and now decided to marry.

Zhan was fully shocked after knowing Ziyi and chang love each other he feeling like hell and the earth under his legs breaks into two. He feels unknown pain and burning sensation on his heart. He wants to cry on his fate but can't......

Hear you go my next update read and enjoy it.

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