chapter 61 good news

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Third person pro...

Without hearing anymore rants from yibo zhan just bring him to the best hospital in chanqine when they both entered inside the doctor cabinet doctor said them sit in front of him and asked him what happened when yibo and zhan explain about his conditions to the doctor.

Then doctor said that he have do some check up to yibo so he said to go into the cabin next to him where he will check the patient before he go from there yibo looks at zhan with anxious look over him..

Zhan look back to him glancing his eyes with assurance of nothing will happened be brave.... Even doctor also told yibo by watching him nothing to worry Mr. Xiao wang it's a simple check up and it'll only take ten to fifteen minutes that's all...

Nodding his head yibo went to the next cabin then doctor also entered there after him after checking up he took some blood sample of him then sent it to lab and also he told him that he have to do urine test to confirm it after taking urine sample also the doctor told them to wait at corridor for few minutes, then getting all his report in few minutes doing all test he called them inside..

Congratulations Mr. Xiao your husband is pregnant he finally the declared about his pregnancy to zhan...

Zhan was so shocked and surprise by this information he never know that yibo can get pregnant his total mind was bloke that he didn't understand what did he heard from doctor is it real or not with confusing gaze he looked towards his husband, who is looking down nervously pressing his hands joining them....

Then again he looked back at doctor who is smiling by looking at couple in front of him.....

Do.... Doctor are you sure..... Zhan asked him in hesitate tone...

Yes, Mr. Xiao you can see those reports your husband is really special male who can get pregnant like woman and give birth to baby yeah... It's little bit different from normal woman pregnancy because normally in male pregnancy there is high chance of complications compare to women pregnancy but you don't need worry about your husband and baby both are safe and healthy you just to need to care about his regular meals and medicine from now onwards.... The doctor explain him everything.

Zhan just node his head while smiling then take that report from him they both came out from hospital entered into their started to go towards their mansion and this whole time nor yibo Or zhan talk anything with each other....

Yibo who is feeling so hurt in his heart by zhan's silent treatment can't able to hold himself anymore and started to crying while covering his face then zhan who was in daze all this time came back to senses after hearing yibo cry he suddenly stops the car giving break to it...

Yi.... Yibo........ Baobie ....... He called him with so much pain in his voice by watching yibo crying....

I....... I...... I'm sorry yibo said finally in between his cries....

No.......... No.......... Baby why did telling me sorry...... With worried expression then he hugged him removing their seat belts....

I'm sorry zhan ge i never tell about my condition to you beforehand I know that I have womb and can get pregnant like woman before our marriage but I can't able to tell you this..... Yibo replied in between hiccups he buried himself in zhan chest...

Please..... don't hate me zhan ge for not telling you truth about me beforehead...

Bo........... Please don't say like that i....i.... Never hate you not in this life actually I'm so surprised by the information that it's take time for me to consume everything at bow but i never hate you for this, you are my baobie....... my bo...... My love actually I love you..... Love my baby more your so precious for me yibo very special person in my life zhan murmurs tear roll down from his eyes he started give kiss all over his face while holding him tightly....

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