chapter 45 I love you zhan ge

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Third person pro.

When zhan tried to remove yibo weight on him but yibo just clinging on him hold tightly on him with no option zhan again lay down on bed straight while looking at the ceiling and started to think about night events..... how can he did like that to yibo....? And why...? He thought what is this feeling he murmurs .......... unconsciously.........

Love........ A reply came from the person who is sleeping on him.

With surprise lifting his face zhan looks at yibo face who is still sleeping closing his eyes and having a sweet smile over him.

Yibo are you awake.....? Zhan asked him

But he didn't get any reaction from other person....

With frown on his face he try to look the sleeping figure face but it's look like yibo is still in his dream world...

Are you really still sleeping....??? Zhan murmurs...

Yibo....... Yibo...... Zhan called him in soft tone.....

Yibo bring his face towards zhan ear nuzzling his nose over zhan ear .....

I love you zhan ge......... Yibo murmured in whispering tone, but zhan heard it clearly.

Zhan became shock and surprise by this three words he never thought he could ever heard this three magical words in his life he never thought someone say this words for him ever....

Zhan eyes became wide open his total face became red like tomato he felt his heart beat became fast as rocket and he felt like something struck on his chest he started feeling something blowing up in his stomach which is also creating tingling sensation all over his body his total mind and body all became numb for second, he became like statue for sometime.......

So much going on zhan mind he didn't understand it but he liked it when yibo said I love you zhan ge...... He became very happy he felt like he got something unbelievable precious thing ..... And he is on cloud nine, a soft smile form on his face he wants to hear more from yibo specifically this three lines....

He turning his face look at sleeping figure his face is so close to him that both there nose almost touching each other, he can feel yibo breath on him real did he started observe the sleeping person face clearly yibo is really beautiful his cute face a sweet smile on his lips, he looks so Peaceful on his face he is looking so addictive for him he is not less then angel zhan thought......

Then yibo also open his eyes slowly while coming out from him dream land the first eyes land on zhan face who is looking at his lips with desire on him he can feel the intense gaze of his zhan ge on him unknown to him he became surprise when he sa...

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Then yibo also open his eyes slowly while coming out from him dream land the first eyes land on zhan face who is looking at his lips with desire on him he can feel the intense gaze of his zhan ge on him unknown to him he became surprise when he saw him this much close to him unknown to him his heart gets flipped more than ones that time he felt like his breathing stopped for a second.

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